[h2][center][color=lemonchiffon]News and Information[/color][/center][/h2][h3][center][color=lemonchiffon][color=lime]Print[/color]: The Tumbleweed's Journal[/color][/center][/h3][h3][center][color=lemonchiffon][color=lime]Radio[/color]: WTJR 191 Okaga, Russlegrad[/color][/center][/h3] [hider=Quest] [color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold]Reports from Isolone say there has been a huge gathering of Immortals.[/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: Quest [color=lime]Faction[/color]: Immortal [color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold]The Prime Minister of Wintergold is seeking advisers, assassins, and ambassadors.[/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: Quest [color=lime]Faction[/color]: Wintergold [color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold]Motum Diversum is working on constructing an Old World superweapon, Motum Diversum officials claim.[/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: Quest [color=lime]Faction[/color]: Motum Diversum [color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold]Moscow Echo is working with bounty hunters to find the killer and recover the watch.[/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: Quest [color=lime]Faction[/color]: Independent/Wintergold [color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold]Vladimira Kovalik, an envoy of Wintergold, is seeking to create more permanent settlements on Ash. Resources and Volunteers needed.[/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: Quest [color=lime]Faction[/color]: Independent/Wintergold [color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold] An interview with The Gaen leader The Professor on the deteriorating conditions of the Gaen faction. He mentioned something interesting, Aspoin is pursuing new research. He claims what they’re doing in Ash is the missing piece, a weapon to surpass Class 5 Hollow.[/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: Quest/News/Interview [color=lime]Faction[/color]: Gaen [color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold][i]Johan Brando[/i], aged 120, former leader of the Chronosmith Guild, contemporary artist and founder of the modern watch making technique, was found dead in his home this past Monday, presumed murdered. Missing from his estate was an incredibly rare Wolfwater. Any information leading to the arrest of the perpetrator(s) of this crime is being rewarded by Wolfwater militia head [i]Elric de Watteville[/i].[/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: News/Quest [color=lime]Faction[/color]: Independent/Wintergold[/hider] [hider=News][color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold]Wortham man climbs to the top of Mount Nike; "Could you believe that no one had ever done it before? Like, it wasn't even that hard! It was just a brisk walk up the slope, really. I could see being worried about Forsaken slave brigades, but honestly if you approach it from Copper you should be fine! It's so strange no one ever tried before. Not even some MD guy trying to be like Mark...! I guess it's just no one ever really felt like it, huh?" When asked if he had left a flag or some token on the summit he responded that he "just kinda shrugged and turned around [sic]" The man was in Copper for a weekend visiting his wife's family, he has since returned to Wortham, where he "sells decorative rocks, small animal pelts, and artsy mutated houseplants."[/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: News/Interview [color=lime]Faction[/color]: Independent [color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold][i]Johan Brando[/i], aged 120, former leader of the Chronosmith Guild, contemporary artist and founder of the modern watch making technique, was found dead in his home this past Monday, presumed murdered. Missing from his estate was an incredibly rare Wolfwater. Any information leading to the arrest of the perpetrator(s) of this crime is being rewarded by Wolfwater militia head [i]Elric de Watteville[/i].[/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: News/Quest [color=lime]Faction[/color]: Independent/Wintergold [color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold]Remember that time it rained? Boy, wasn't that great! Dust remembers the 1 year anniversary of the rain with fond dryness.[/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: News [color=lime]Faction[/color]: All [color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold]The Yakuza is hiring! 8 things you may want to include on your application before sending it off to the Forbidden Palace.[/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: News [color=lime]Faction[/color]: Aqueous [color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold]Parkland baseball revenue making just enough to keep Motum Diversum in the black-- "just doing it," officials say.[/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: News [color=lime]Faction[/color]: Motum Diversum [color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold]A talking Cat!?! You'll have to see it to believe it, but this No-Name feline is winning the hearts of all the people of the northern town without a name.[/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: News [color=lime]Faction[/color]: Independent [color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold]In other news; No-Name, still nameless. Townsfolk question philosophical implications of nameless town being known and named for lack of a name.[/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: News [color=lime]Faction[/color]: Independent [color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold]Hollow activity has dropped to an all time low in the Aqueous Protectorate.[/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: News [color=lime]Faction[/color]: Aqueous [color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold]The Central Aqueous region has effectively locked down. Only water and payment for said water seems to leave or enter their borders.[/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: News [color=lime]Faction[/color]: Aqueous [color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold]The citizens of Motum Diversum mourn as first year anniversary of The Second Fall draws near.[/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: News [color=lime]Faction[/color]: Motum Diversum [color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold]Happy birthday, to Dust's newest major factions![/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: News [color=lime]Faction[/color]: Wintergold, Hedon [color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold]The Hedons seem to be brokering a major alliance with Forsaken. Rumored talks are taking place between Edenite Hope and the new Forsaken town, Despair.[/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: News [color=lime]Faction[/color]: Forsaken, Hedon [color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold]Slave revolts reported on the islands of Lockjaw and Scurve.[/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: News [color=lime]Faction[/color]: Forsaken [color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold]Laguna blaze it? Catholics in Laguna discover pious way to grow some sweet Gaen green.[/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: News [color=lime]Faction[/color]: Wintergold [color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold]Resident Hedon woman drowns while bathing in gold and bullets. "What a way to go," Kings Retreat officials say.[/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: News [color=lime]Faction[/color]: Hedon [color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold] An interview with The Gaen leader The Professor on the deteriorating conditions of the Gaen faction. He mentioned something interesting, Aspoin is pursuing new research. He claims what they’re doing in Ash is the missing piece, a weapon to surpass Class 5 Hollow.[/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: Quest/News/Interview [color=lime]Faction[/color]: Gaen [color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold]Where are they now: [i]Evelina Quinn[/i]; Barricade?? More like Farricade!!! Why 'the good doctor's' saintly nature and disappearance was all a lizardman farce![/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: Opinion Piece/News/Conspiracy [color=lime]Faction[/color]: All[/hider] [hider=Rumor][color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold]The Khans of the Sand report strange abandoned villages in the dust storms of the Sea of Sand, rumors of men who are neither immortal or hollow surround these strange settlements.[/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: Rumor [color=lime]Faction[/color]: Aqueous [color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold] Scientists in Dresden are becoming more and more inspired by their defector compatriots in Wintergold. They have developed several recreational drugs, one of which, seems to grant the user odd abilities.[/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: Rumor [color=lime]Faction[/color]: Gaen [color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold] Scientists in grey labcoats meet in the still of night in Fairbury. The city is shrouded in secrecy and a false veneer of suburban peace. The Order of the Grey Tomorrow is whispered in the shadows.[/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: Rumor [color=lime]Faction[/color]: Gaen [color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold] Scientists and 'The Professor's' associates from Ashford are working on a project in the sands south of Jonestown.[/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: Rumor [color=lime]Faction[/color]: Gaen [color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold]Hollow activity has increased around Hu-wai, Bakersville, and Gate's Pass[/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: Rumor [color=lime]Faction[/color]: Aqueous [color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold]Copper and Arclight? Androids spotted?[/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: Rumor [color=lime]Faction[/color]: Independent [color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold]Strange disappearances being reported around the town of Haven.[/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: Rumor [color=lime]Faction[/color]: Sanguine [color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold]Something strange is stirring in the sands around Dead-End.[/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: Rumor [color=lime]Faction[/color]: Wintergold [color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold]Occasionally, when the winds stop momentarily whipping up the sands, it is rumored that unopened bunker doors, similar to those of our ancestors, can be found near the coast of the Dead-End outback.[/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: Rumor [color=lime]Faction[/color]: Independent[/hider] [hider=Misc.][color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold]Wintergold v. Everyone! Continued armed struggle, as the war against the Forsaken doesn't seem to be anywhere near ending, guerrilla attacks from Motum Diversum insurgents in Wintergold occupied Harlem decrease food availability, and new reports of armed conflict and assassination attempts on Wintergold higher ups from Hedon on Ash. Will the conflict ever die down?[/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: Continued Armed Struggle [color=lime]Faction[/color]: All [color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold]Diseased figures in white robes occupy the underwater tunnel between Wolfwater and Fairbury and conduct strange rituals.[/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: Sightings [color=lime]Faction[/color]: Edenite [color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold]Castalia night clubs; are they worth it? How Wintergold inadvertently profits from the Forsaken slave trade.[/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: Opinion Piece [color=lime]Faction[/color]: All [color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold]Slaves! Can't live with them, can't live without them.[/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: Opinion Piece [color=lime]Faction[/color]: All [color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold]Public view toward immortals at an all time low. Wintergold and Sedito less 'factions' more 'social experiments.'[/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: Opinion Piece [color=lime]Faction[/color]: All [color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold]Old world soda just has that "special something" that Dust craft soda brewers can't seem to capture.[/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: Food & Beverage [color=lime]Faction[/color]: All [color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold]Lets talk about Orange; is it really the new Black? Our latest poll may surprise you![/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: Fashion [color=lime]Faction[/color]: All [color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold]Missing an eye. Is it [i]in?[/i][/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: Fashion [color=lime]Faction[/color]: All [color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold]"Yeah she's queen wit' a goldeneye now... but I rememba' when I was still teachin' her to sing that one song..." Exclusive interview! Lucania's old mentor speaks out![/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: Interview/Music [color=lime]Faction[/color]: Wintergold [color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold]Wortham man climbs to the top of Mount Nike; "Could you believe that no one had ever done it before? Like, it wasn't even that hard! It was just a brisk walk up the slope, really. I could see being worried about Forsaken slave brigades, but honestly if you approach it from Copper you should be fine! It's so strange no one ever tried before. Not even some MD guy trying to be like Mark...! I guess it's just no one ever really felt like it, huh?" When asked if he had left a flag or some token on the summit he responded that he "just kinda shrugged and turned around [sic]" The man was in Copper for a weekend visiting his wife's family, he has since returned to Wortham, where he "sells decorative rocks, small animal pelts, and artsy mutated houseplants."[/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: News/Interview [color=lime]Faction[/color]: Independent [color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold] An interview with The Gaen leader The Professor on the deteriorating conditions of the Gaen faction. He mentioned something interesting, Aspoin is pursuing new research. He claims what they’re doing in Ash is the missing piece, a weapon to surpass Class 5 Hollow.[/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: Quest/News/Interview [color=lime]Faction[/color]: Gaen [color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold]Where are they now: Alex Svet-Yulia; savior or serpent servant? We discuss whether or not the supposed 'savior' of Immortals is actually in bed with the lizard people.[/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: Opinion piece/News/Conspiracy [color=lime]Faction[/color]: All [color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold]Where are they now: [i]Evelina Quinn[/i]; Barricade?? More like Farricade!!! Why 'the good doctor's' saintly nature and disappearance was all a lizardman farce![/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: Opinion Piece/News/Conspiracy [color=lime]Faction[/color]: All [color=lime]Bulletin[/color]: [color=gold] What the hell is up with Binary Star???[/color] [color=lime]Type[/color]: ??? [color=lime]Faction[/color]: ???[/hider] [color=gold]"...And now, three hours of commercial free music, brought to you by the traders at Bakersville; [i]Bakersville! School is now in session."[/i][/color] [hr] [hider=Old]N/A[/hider] [right]~[@Aeonumbra][/right]