Name: Stanislav Kravec Age: 37 Gender: Male Home Station: Kitai-Gorod Occupation: Crimnal/Bandit/Mercenary Appearance: [img][/img] Standing a good 6 feet tall, big powerful man, wearing a bullet proof vest over a long sleeved black sweater, black leather gloves he picked up somewhere, dark grey khaki pants and heavy combat boots. The gass mask and shamag he has with him are often dangling about his neck. Faction: Bandits - Kitai-Gorod syndicates Weapons: Baretta 682 Double barrel 20 gauge shot gun (carrying 22 rounds) Bizon-2-03 SMG aka PP-19 SMG, with red dot sight, and collapsible stock (carries three 64 round helical magazines loaded with 9x18mm Makarov rounds) Four glass bottle napalm style molotov bombs. Jellied alcohol and gasoline mix in a glass bottle, wax cap over a length of flammable cloth, strip the wax off quickly, light the cloth and throw. Easy to make, with any flammable liquid on hand, cloth and a glass bottle. Equipment/Items: Utility knife, 2 meters of tarpaulin, a 10 meter long length of hemp rope, a Zippo brand lighter, a pack of metro rolled cigarettes, food and water for atleast three days. Wind-up flashlight (40 seconds of cranking grants a good 10 minutes of light power), 1 filter of perfect quality (10 minutes of use), 2 dirty filters (4 minutes of use) Abilities: Bravado - Has a healthy amount of swagger and show in his personality and step. He's one of the big guys on the walk, why should he be worried? Lucky Map - Got his hands on one of the few remaining "Guides". Maps of the Metro that are so powerful that they can help you find all the really amazing things, or take you on a path through the Metro that is safer then any other path imaginable. Unforgivable - There are somethings that no one decent can do, in those times, you fo to Kravec. He'll take care of the dirty work for you. It's what he does best. Background: A Kitai-Gorod enforcer, in league with the Russian side of the twin stations. Usually tasked to stay at the station, sit the one hundred meter check point. If not doing that and not resting or eatting he will loiter about the station and make sure no one does anything stupid. Like alot of the Kitai-Gorod bandits, he knows he's the big guy on the block, he's the one with the guns and the armoring. He's not afraid, as he often has alot of his friends and allies around. Even when out alone or with a trading caravan he knows he is better armored and armed then alot of people. Hansa, Reich and Red Line soldiers aside, he's still the cock of the walk.