[color=39b54a][i][b][center]Gren Orchid[/center][/b][/i][/color] [quote=Clair] [color=ed145b]"I'll go with you,"[/color] [/quote] Could his ears deceive him? It could. He did just come back from a fight from Ebon after all. Gunshots must have rattled his head. [quote=Clair] [color=ed145b]"But you'll have to wait for me to shower first."[/color] [/quote] Why would she tell Gren this? What purpose would it be to tell him that she needed to go shower? Unless... Unless she intended to freshen herself up before accompanying Gren. He kept his composure and nodded his head. [color=00a651]"Sure. I'll be meeting with my friends in about ten or so minutes. Look me up if you need to send me a message."[/color] Gren reached into his armor and produced a [url=http://i.imgur.com/kM81kGV.jpg]business card[/url] for the stranger. He had it saved on his computer and this was the first one he's ever printed out. In hindsight he should have made more then one copy, but alas... Gren had to hurry. Abel may have already arrived and meant that he was leaving in ten minutes. He didn't want to rush the stranger, but he'd do whatever he have to to ensure that she had ample time to arrive. Even if he had to hold the ship in place himself. He'd do it too. It'll be one of the easier applications of his semblance. He also still couldn't believe that he actually managed to ask her to come with him. He also didn't know her name. He should figure that out. It wouldn't be hard: He'd just upload the image of her face through the Beacon's database and get her name from the system. It might seem a bit... Stalkerish, but at least he could refer to her by name. [color=00a651][i]"Clair Carnelian huh? Pretty name."[/i][/color] Gren walked off to the airdocks carrying his luggage with him.