Alex sighed in relief. While perhaps un-necessarily risky, it had worked out for the best. Larion nuzzled his hand looking mournfully at the bile that was all the remains of the beast. Alex patted his head, "Don't worry boy, I'll get you something to eat." Alexander grabbed his discarded pack, luckily it had been shielded from the corrosive liquid by a conveniently dense amount of forest. "Well I'm going to report back to Joshua, I might come back later and see if I can lend a hand." He would've commented on Nikolaud's good work but he expected a caustic response and decided it was best left unsaid. Alex said then began making his way towards camp. After a few minutes of searching he found some of his marks and began following them back to camp. On his way there they Larion managed to pull of the impressive feat of killing a deer from above. The poor beast never had a chance, Larion ate surprisingly fast and they continued on their way. Alex left the forest and saw the camp walking into it with the intention of relaying to Joshua the recent events.