Beevil stepped out of the boat offering a hand to his over-packed younger brother and his sister. "[color=red]Sure you packed enough Will? You want to bring your smithy to?[/color]" he asked resisting the urge to laugh at the size of Will's pack. Will harrumphed disdainfully, as he stepped down into the cave "[color=yellow]Its called being prepared, better want not than have not.[/color]" Beevil rolled his eyes as he helped his sister out of the boat and grabbed a lantern off Will's pack and lit it using his flint and steel. Unlike Will Beevil was using the bare essentials. He had his militia outfit, complete with short-sword and buckler, as well as a small military style pack with him. It contained iron rations, his flint, a torch, and a whetting stone. As well as of course a canteen of water. Beevil stepped forward leading the way with the lantern, eager to see just what lay inside this cave.