They say the world works in mysterious ways... [s]How did you even get MaggieTheCat?! Maggie is the name of my highschool chemistry teacher xD[/s] [@Orromog] Darn. :c I hope everything really does go all fine, bud. We'll be rooting for you from here in the shadows. And I won't let you down, amigo! I'll make sure your worthy sacrifice wasn't in vain. I most definitely would still love to continue with this, so I'm going to start making a character as soon as I can, too. Though, since everybody's basically testing the waters here, I'm perhaps going to play a gender I haven't quite played before. The main pros being that, if I die, well that's totally fine and I can learn from my mistakes on how to man-up, as it were, to make my character a more believable male. And plus, I'm not sure about what Orromog would have played, so I'm taking a wild guess and assuming male... [s]Heavens bless me should I be wrong.[/s] EDIT: Initially, I had wanted to make a 12 year old boy, but the age limit starts at 18 so I'll have to scrap that idea...