[center][b][color=007FFF]Abel Fulgurate[/color][/b][/center] After spotting him with a couple of other guys, Abel had been on the verge of interrupting Shiro to ask whether or not he'd be down for bowling, but at the last minute had decided it would be rude; besides, if he was hanging around the airship docks, chances were he was heading to the same place as Abel. With that, at least, taken care of, Abel joined the line to begin a hefty wait: the airship, Gren, and the girl's team all at once. It was KESS that came first. The guardian stepped out of line, waving and putting on his best attempt at a smile. The way the girl emphasized her name made him realized that he hadn't even bothered to learn it when he'd countered her last—what a doof! “Abel here,” he said, executing a sort of salute that he'd picked up at Pallisade. He took a quick look at the other members of the group, but none distracted him for long. It did occur to him, however, that it must at least wear on the nerves of Ebon to be the only man in a team full of girls. The whole concept of co-ed dorms was new to Abel, in fact; they'd always been separated back home. In response to her question, Abel shrugged. “Well, Shiro's around here somewhere, showing off his little ferret. I'm still waiting for Gren. If you see a giant man in green who resembles a walking tank, let me know. And, uh, our leader's having some special time with a person from another team.” The guardian uttered a somewhat toneless laugh, but it was drowned by the engines of the nearest airship spinning up. “Guess it's time. ...Shall we?” He allowed the other team to go on first, though Shiro and Robert preceded them. In the distance, he spotted a lumbering [url=http://images.christianpost.com/full/64648/green-giant.jpg]green giant[/url] and waved at him. “Hey, Gren! Over here, it's about to take off!”