[quote=@potatochipgolem] I would not go touching the butts of faceless women for all the cuddles in the world. [/quote] But what if you knew, behind that dead waterfall of black hair, lay a beautiful lady, waiting for the right person to squeeze her butt. And that right person was you. You'll be pleased to know discussing this affected me greatly last night. I went to bed and had another dream about her, except this time I could expressly see her face, and I squeezed her butt again. Good times, good times. [quote=@Kingfisher] I had a dream where a group of friends and I went to explore what I presume was supposed to be Tolkien's house (appeared in my mind as this great big stately manor surrounded by trees, at the top of a large hill), when someone said something a long the lines of "be warned; his inspiration came from dark places" and then I spotted this big fuck-off slender man looking thing made of shadows from in-between some trees. The shadow thing came screeching towards us and we started trying to throw things at it to get it to go away (I didn;t ask if I could touch its butt, although perhaps all it wanted was some cuddles) and then I woke up. [/quote] Omg, that's horrible. Well, I mean, if that was me, I would have been really excited about the "Tolkein's house" part. Urgh...Slender man...He was so scary when he first started getting popular....now both me and my sister are thoroughly desensitized to it. What scares the shit out of me now is child-possessed animatronics.