Hello all who read! I haven't created an interest check in a while, but my current interests are a bit of a hodge-podge group so it seemed to be rather necessary for me to create a check of my own. Classically, I like to keep my interest checks short and sweet. I consider myself to be a casual length writer, though I can produce advanced length writing entirely dependent upon the nature of the story. I typically love playing multiple characters, male and female. I am a fan of doubling. On occasion I will have a specific main character of one gender, and I may desire a certain gender to be a counter part for romance etc. However doubling is never out of the question! Feel free to ask :) I prefer roleplaying through PMs, as I also welcome mature content. (All in good taste of course. Only scenes that further plot/character development) On those points, here are my plot cravings/ideas/kind of fandoms?: My Plot/World Ideas: -Dragon--- Okay, so I want you to relate the idea to How To Train Your Dragon 2 in that people in villages raise, train, and use dragons in their society. Now give the dragons a certain element of origin (water dragon, fire dragon, earth etc.), and only allow them to be cute and cuddly as babies.(otherwise they are scaled dragons of myth and legend, feared if not trained, dangerous if so) These dragons are mostly omnivores. These societies train the dragons to sustain themselves with fruits, not meat. Our characters are involve in one basic branch of this society- Breeders, Trainers, 'Sustainers'. More can be discussed about specifics, but my general plot revolves around a dragon village like this thwarting efforts of rival dragon groups or outcasts to destroy it. -Vampires--- This one is completely and thoroughly inspired by watching Vampire Academy. It wasn't my initial choice, but now I am in the mood to roleplay about some vampires. I want to take the general idea of protector race, full blood/royalty race, 'gone too far race'. I like the idea of a school or large mansion to protect the vampires, the specific choice can be up to you. Full blood vampires also have elemental magic. I already have characters developed for a Male Vampire, his Female protector, and another Male Vampire. You can literally choose whatever sort of character you'd like, though doubling up would be appreciated for this plot. Also note this one is undoubtedly mature, and will greatly focus on instincts, will power, and pride. Other: Harry Potter--- We can do classic OCs in the school. We could also try some fun variants. [s]#1- Hogwarts in America- Obvious we would name this a different school, but have this witch and wizard school be in New York.More to be discussed, just something fun. [/s] #2- Throwback, but this fell through last time I tried. Playing the 'Big Four' at Hogwarts- Hiccup from HTTYD, Merida from Brave, Rapunzel from Tangled, and Jack Frost from (RotG). Yeah. I noticed now that all of my ideas are heavily supernatural oriented. I do have other ideas, they might be edited in later. Thank you for reading!