Sapphire focused her attention on Alex as he mentioned he was returning to the camp and she continued to observe him as he walked away. She then began walking towards what remained of the harpy’s carcass. She carefully avoided the puddles of viscous bile as if her every step was choreographed and soon her pace slowed down until she was standing right next to the remnants of the creature. “And through death you are set free from your plague.” She whispered while her sight lingered on the beast for a moment until she turned her head to observe Nickolaus. She then took the remains into view one last time before deciding to head back to Nickolaus. Now that she no longer was in the midst of chaos she was once again able to listen to her surroundings as she walked, making sure no other threats were nearby. “I must get back to the task at hand . . . “, She thought. “. . . A familiar.”