[hider=☂ ][center][h2][color=000000]Itzal Black[/color][/h2][i]The Shadow[/i][/center][center][color=000000][b]Age[/b][/color][/center][center]17[/center][center][b][color=000000]Gender[/color][/b][/center][center]Male[/center] [center][color=000000][b]Personality[/b][/color][/center][center] Itzal is characterized by his lack of experience in the guild and absence of any apparent change following the massacre of the Seraphs. Unlike some of the other Seraphs, Itzal still attempts to be a virtuous individual; mainly due to the knife-wielder being a recruit who hasn't killed anyone yet. He cares for others and is saddened by people's deaths. The only reason he is in a mercenary band is because of his brother who worried about his younger sibling's future. It is his older brother's kindness and protection that led him to be so optimistic and ignorant about everything. The recruit is as generous and selfless as his sibling taught him to be. Itzal is cool headed and will attempt to solve any situation practically. When he truly believes he is right about something, he is right. In his mind at least. The 17 year old is inquisitive about everything, he loves knowledge and before everything went to shit he could be found with his nose in a book. Underneath his generally warm demeanor, this Seraph possesses a large capacity for violence and spite. He despises the Kronos guild to the point of fantasizing hurting each and every single one of them he has seen or could imagine up in his head. Although he dreams of having power over others and harming those who have wronged him he is hesitant to indulge himself. Itzal likes his friendly demeanor and despises his harmful desires. He is a very fearful individual. Scared of losing himself to his compulsion to harm others, darkness, being alone, and many other things.[/center] [center][color=000000][b]Appearance[/b][/color][/center][center]Itzal is a scanty sight, standing at a measly 5' 6" and having a small slim build. Like everything else he sports, his lengthy raven hair is unkempt. The boy's eyes, which mimic the color of hair, seemingly analyze everything they can when his hair isn't in the way. Scattered across his light skin are small scratches he obtained from his feathered friend who is never a long way away. Preferring to wear dark roomy clothing and carry everything inside a black leather backpack, those are the clothes he is seen in. However, there a few constants in his attire. The sporting is always wearing his sap gloves and knife by his side. He can always be seen using his umbrella as either a walking stick, pointer, or well uh... an umbrella. Out of all of his features that distinguish him, the raven that follows him is the most notable. Wherever the bird is perched it tends to draw all attention to itself. It should be noted Itzal's rather sad-looking exterior is deceitful seeing as how his general demeanor is comparable to a ray of sunshine or an innocent child. [/center] [center][color=000000][b]Aether Potential Affinity[/b][/color][/center][center][i]Shadows[/i] Itzal is capable of manipulating shadows, darkness solidification, great perception when in darkness, and more. Creepily enough, his own shadow is capable of manipulating itself as if it were sentient. Itzal has the potential to shape and move darkness wherever he likes. He can attack his enemies with shadow attacks if need be and he can entrap things in a seemingly pitch black space. On top of his already great senses he has the undeveloped ability to perceive in the dark. Of all of his currently untrained abilities the most noteworthy is his power to teleport from one shadow to another. Unfortunately, Itzal has a fear of the dark and is thus afraid of his own magic. [/center] [center][color=000000][b]Aether Artifact[/b][/color][/center][center]Blindfold The black piece of cloth is what gives Itzal his shadow magic. When in his possession he is capable of manipulating shadows, possessing a living shadow, and perceiving well in the dark. When wrapped around his eyes and blinding him he can travel from one shadow to another by traveling through a scary place he calls the shadow world.[/center] [center][color=000000][b]Skills[/b][/color][/center][center][i]Knife Wielder Stealth Sharp senses Pick pocketing/Stealing Candlemaking[/i][/center] [/hider] Sup.