I kind of have a character idea and some of the basics filled out, but I'm not really sure enough about the setting and lore to know where to go from here. [hider=Frederick] [h3][center][color=lightcyan]Basics[/color][/center][/h3] [img][/img] [b]Name:[/b] Frederick Bach [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] 30-40 [b]Height:[/b] 6ft dead [b]Weight:[/b] 79kg [b]Eye Color:[/b] Blue, the whites of his eyes pulsate with blue veins. [b]Hair Color:[/b] Muddy-Blonde [b]Physical Disabilities:[/b] Missing his trigger finger on his left hand. [b]Physical Identifiers:[/b][list] [*] Has noticeably pale skin, despite the intensity of the sun. [*] Scars are fortunately hard to see on his skin, but one red angry scar is visible on his left cheek. [/list] [b]Appearance:[/b] Frederick is a tall pale man with a hard face and standard Germananic features. His muddy blonde hair is tied back in a short pony tail with a leather thong, he has an athletic build, with fairly broad shoulders, though he is not excessively muscular. His nose is straight and pronounced, but of average length, his teeth are slightly crooked and tinted yellow, but not particularly unusual for the apocalypse and he seems to have most of them. His face shape would be most appropriately described as 'full' and 'square' though without much natural fat due to the scarcity of food. He would probably be considered attractive by apocalypse standards, though that would be up to individual taste. [h3][center][color=lightcyan]Background[/color][/center][/h3] [b]Residence:[/b] [b]Profession:[/b] Ex-Slaver, Currently Rain-Bringer [b]Aligned Faction:[/b] [b]Relatives:[/b] Mother (Deceased) Father (Unknown) Siblings (Unknown) [hider=Backstory] Born to a beautiful prostitute in Forsaken territory, Frederick didn’t exactly have a very good childhood even by apocalypse standards. The only upside to his early life was that his mother was attractive and brought in a lot of money for her pimp, a powerful warchief. She was harsh but fair with her child, and Frederick learned a lot in those early years about survival of the fittest among the litter of other feral children in the territory. Frederick grew incredibly tall at a young age, hitting five foot five by thirteen years old, and reaching his final height of 6ft by fifteen. This meant that even when his mother unfortunately died of disease when he was ten he only had to survive alone for a short while and learned to fight in the harsh gladiatorial culture of the Forsaken, before he was picked up by the local warchief and recruited into the Legion. Ten years later a twenty five year old Frederick had learned all the tools of the trade and deserted from the Legion, forming his own small band of mercenaries and part-time Slavers which moved on the outskirts of Forsaken territory. Another six years eking out a miserable, but profitable, existence by selling innocent people into slavery brought Frederick to his last days as an ordinary human. The outskirts of Forsaken territory, like most places, grew all the more populated by Hollow, dangerous creatures of an unnatural and diseased nature. When pursued by a group of Hollow Frederick and his group of loyal Mercenaries, Ela, Ian, Bokt and Jack were forced into a narrow ravine, and Frederick feared he would be forced to reveal a secret he had been keeping for a long time, involving a supply of fresh water he had discovered in a nearby cave system. Ela, Ian’s wife, was ran down by Hollow as they held out in the Ravine, at which point Frederick’s nerve failed him and he fled, running to his hiding place and abandoning his friends as they were overrun. He was delirious by the time he got there, a sickness he had developed over the last few days finally besting him as he pulled away the covers over the entrance. His memory is sketchy in regards to what happened after that, in his nightmares he sometimes see Ian confronting him, his wife’s bloody corpse in his arms as he stands upon Fred’s chest and forces him into the water he had let Ela die to protect. In other dreams he sees a slavering Hollow above him, piercing his flesh as water pours down his throat. Ever dream has one factor in common, he drowned in that cave, but yet here he stands. He awoke floating face down in the underground spring, and wandered the desert in a daze. It took him nigh on a year to get his act together, and now a slightly more together Frederick is stuck in Serenity territory, trying to do some good and maybe make some money at the same time, because he’s a good person now, right? [/hider] [h3][center][color=gold]Gear[/color][/center][/h3] [b]Weapons:[/b][list] [*] [b]Glock 17[/b]: Semi-automatic, 17 shot magazine standardized glock pistol, jet black, moderate wear, well maintained. [*] [b]Machete[/b]: 38cm Machete, notched half way down, made of steel, fairly standard, kept in a hip-sheath.[/list] [b]Armor:[/b] Owns some fairly formidable Raider/Slaver armour, which consists of a metallic plated Kevlar vest and similarly metal plated arm and leg guards with knife-proof gauntlets and a metallic mask painted blood red. For obvious reasons he doesn't like to wear it any-more, and has stripped down the Kevlar vest to its bare component and wears that instead underneath tough travelling clothes, thick trousers metal-toe-cap boots, a tough homespun shirt and a worn brown fur cloak. He wears goggles when travelling for the dust and an old baseball cap. [b]Ammunition:[/b][list] [*][b]Dirty Rounds:[/b] N/A [*][b]High Grade Rounds:[/b] Three 9mm magazines for his Glock [*][b]Heavy Ammunition:[/b] N/A [/list] [b]Ultralight Hiking Backpack:[/b][list] [*]Water Bottle, Basic Rations, Fire Starting Kit, Basic First Aid, Blanket, Wind-up Flashlight, Small Cooking Bowl[/list] [b]Miscellaneous:[/b] Ammo Belt, Machete Sheath, Pistol Holster. [h3][center][color=navajowhite]Immortalis Information[/color][/center][/h3] [b]Manifested Phenomena:[/b] Water [b]Unique Abilities:[/b] Rain Maker: Frederick can draw water from afar, either from deep within the earth or high up in the sky he can set it upon a path to the surface where he can utilize it. Hydromancy: With concentration, Frederick has learned to actually weaponize surface water when necessary, moving it a short distance through force of will and launching it with enough force to knock a man off his feet from up to thirty feet away. His personal circumstances have drawn him away from fighting since the development of his power, so he isn't very experienced at using it in this fashion. [b]Strengths:[/b] Conditioned: Frederick has lived a life on the move, chasing down people is actually remarkably good cardio, not so great on the moral side of things though. Street-Smarts: Frederick's life has been an unsafe one, drawing him into contact with unscrupulous people and dangerous situations, he's picked up skills that keep a man alive, and that gives him something of an advantage if he should choose to re-enter the criminal world. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] I know you: Frederick's past life has yet to catch up with him, but he's pretty sure it's only a matter of time. Broken Gun: Frederick's tried to turn over a new leaf, where-as the man before could survive in one of the most dangerous jobs in Dust, this new bastard trying to atone for his sins might hesitate to pull that trigger. This has also had an adverse effect on developing new combat applicable skills with his new ability of Hydromancy. [/hider] What I would like to know/do 1. As far as I'm aware the only way to become an 'immortal' is to get the sickness and transcend, so my character would have likely grown ill before his last fated act as a Slaver, namely getting stuck in a cave, screwing a bunch of his pals over and then getting attacked and nearly drowned in an underground reservoir by Hollow. 2. How does your character's personality/memories etc change when they become an Immortal, as the slaver backstory was going to be a big part of my character, but obviously he's changed into an immortal since. 3. What would be a good birth place for a son of a whore? Also, in his new (hopefully) profession as a rain-maker, or rather someone who's going to get people to pay him to make/find wells or reservoirs for them, what would be a good place to be based initially. 4. Will the Aqueous faction be trying to kill my character, because he's effectively giving away one of their main advantages for only a small fee. 5. Does any of this work?