Celes, seeing how now there was a literal group of them, backed away, staying near Spruce. She knew he would have a big difficulty with this... and she knew she would also have a hard time, them being mostly poison types.... and able to evade her hidden power. She looked around. "This.... might be a problem..." she says before getting some light chains out. She then started to flail them towards some of the group, trying to keep them away from her and Spruce. "Any idea's Spruce?" she says, before having a slight idea. If they were stupid enough.... "Hey... if you guys think your so strong.... then who is the strongest out of all you guys in the group!" she then yells, hoping to cause some kinda of chaos, having zubats saying they were and having each other fight.... If that works, then it would make the job so much easier.... If not... then it was worth trying. She needed to get some some of them out of commission at least, get them weakened. ------------------------------------------- Eralion nodded before starting to work on a trap. He started moving bookcases around, making a barricade with them, working on making it hard to see what was afterwards. He then, using karate chop, started to work and strike the floor multiple times while backing away, making multiple holes in it. It was now really hard to even walk in it quickly unless you wanted to sprang your ankle. He then looked in his bag and got some string. He started to attach multiple objects that were heavy in each side and then placing them over the holed floor. If that persian were to pass here, he would have a hard time even getting through easy, having multiple objects tangled over him. He then continued and finished off with 2 bookcases blocking the way, and a attempt for a pitfall tap afterwards. He breath deeply, having used a lot of energy to make this thing quickly, and admired his work... This was going to be great.