[b]Kamina[/b] So they thought they could swarm them did they? Well they were about to be proven wrong. Kamina's first instinct was to charge blindly at them with Flame Charge. However, for some reason, he ended up putting more thought into his next action. That's when he realized it; every single one of them had an advantage against Spruce. This was [i]not[/i] good, since it would be far too easy for the little guy to get caught up in a chain of super effective attacks. Therefor, there was only one option available to Kamina. He rushed at Spruce and coiled around him, making sure to leave him some breathing room. Kamina wasn't constricting around him, so much as making an igloo around him out of his body. Since Spruce was so tiny compared to him, that meant that Kamina didn't have to use all of his body to make a shelter. This left him with enough room to move his head around to pelt Sneasel with his Ember. "Don't worry Spruce; I'll will shelter you with my very body!" --- [b]Tini[/b] Looking around for any other bookcases that he easily drop on the pined Persian, Tini soon found one that was conveniently angled just right, so that when the right force was applied to it, it would fall down and lean on the bookcase already trapping Bonnie's dad. Getting himself into postion, he cried out "Fairy Wind!" and a minty gust pushed down the bookcase, sending it right where Tini had predicted "Yay! That should be enough to keep him stuck here until people come here to take him away. Now, I wonder where Bonnie is?" He said out loud to himself, ignoring the Normal Type he had dropped a second bookcase on. With his current objective completed, he went off in search of his Bunnery friend, and quickly found her munching on a Quick Seed. Deciding to surprise her, he pulled her into a hug