[i][b]Brooklyn, New York - Mary's Diner[/b][/i] Kai looked up from his old Nokia phone that he still didn't know how to work entirely. Everyone today was engrossed in their devices so he didn't want to stand out. He just faked it, but still never understood everyone's fascination with technology. All his friends moved along before him, getting Apple phones and Ex...droids? Maybe. Kai was a simple man, wanting nothing but being what he already knew himself to be. He knew he was going to have to catch up with everyone, but now? He wanted to move at his own pace. he'd figure out his Nokia soon enough. He slid the shiny, laminated menu the diner provided him to the waiter guy, having looked over it for the past few minutes. "Nah, I think I'll just have four scrambled eggs, extra fluffy. Bacon too," he answered. "How's your bacon here? It's been a while since I've in here." He looked warmly into the waiter's eye. The guy was just a kid. Looking like he just wanted to make a buck. But Kai supposed it wasn't his place to make those assumptions. He was just here for a good bite to eat. Maybe to get to know the staff here. If he was going to keep getting to work early, he might as well had become a pleasant regular, with a friendly face that's nice to greet.