To go from a near death experience to a party at a beach, one might almost think they were insane. And hey, perhaps they were, running around trying to beat a game that could cost you your life. Maybe they were all a bit wacky for the way they were acting, but damn if it wasn't fun! Suto would have it no other way, and frankly the attitude as of recent was very much needed; since Yari's accident the mood of the group had been glum for a while, so a trip like this was a very welcome change of pace. More or less a party, it was their own little way to celebrate reaching the 27th floor and to blow off some stress. Their small group of friends weren't the only ones to come here this evening, but then that made it even more enjoyable. Overall the mood was a jovial one, and things would only get better as the evening wore on. Donning a simple set of white swim trunks with a single black streak down either side, Suto was having plenty of fun for the moment watching others run about and swim in the water. There was something nice about watching other people be happy, it made him feel all warm inside for some odd reason. He'd be joining the other players as soon as the rest of their group arrived, as they were still waiting on one or two people. When Nero and Yuna had shown up he followed after them, curious to see where it was the group would be setting up; had he known their search would last for nearly twenty minutes he might well as just waited back where he'd been. The spot she had ultimately settled on however was nice, right along one of the many palm trees dotting the beach. Not like they needed the shade of the tree this time of day, but it added to the atmosphere and just looked nice. Watching amused as Nero and Yuna discussed the latter's uncertainty he let out a small laugh, stifling it with a hand as not to seem rude. Suto looked to Nero curiously when his friend came on over, his face immediately taking on a deep red hue at the mention of Minerva. "W-What...? You invited her too...?" the martial artist stammered, blinking as he clenched his towel nervously, "B-B-But... I mean if she comes she's gonna be in a swimsuit, a-and..." As if his face couldn't get any redder, it looked like he was about to pass out with all the blood rushing to his head. Not realizing Yari had come to join them he near jumped out of his skin when called to, yelping and spinning around to look at his friend, smiling sheepishly. "Oh! Yari! Yeah, no worries, I'm not going anywhere!" Suto replied, beaming as he hurried over to his friend, laying out his towel a few feet from hers and giving his hands a dusting once done, "I'll go find Fitch, then we can get this party going for real!" Their friend wasn't too far off luckily, though he did seem to be a bit detached from the rest of the group. Spotting Fitch off on his own Suto frowned, rubbing at his chin as he wondered how to make his friend to loosen up. Getting an idea after a moment an impish grin spread across his face, and with a chuckle he ran over to where the other boy was, jumping slightly once he got there and trying to land on Fitch's back. "Hi ho horsey, awaaaay!" he laughed, giving yet another yelp when he inadvertently slid off and landed on his rear, laughing nonetheless. "Dang it! Come on Fitch, let's get settled in so we can start! I want to go swimming, don't you?" Luna was still with the group, just a ways behind the others. She couldn't be getting covered in sand as that would mean being messy, and being messy meant having to clean and take time out of her schedule. Much as she tried to deviate from having such a thing she found herself slowly slipping back into the habit, albeit her schedules were far more lenient than those her parents would create. It didn't help either that she had perhaps a bit too much in the way of items for the beach: a towel and a simple, purple one piece suit were a given, the latter she was already wearing: an umbrella laid slung over her right shoulder: a cooler with food in it dragged behind her in her free hand: and a bag of assorted necessities, as a girl could never be too prepared. Upon finally reaching everyone else she frowned from behind her items, placing them down and looking between Fitch and Suto. "You know... If one of you two were a gentleman then you'd offer to help me carry these. It's a pain to do it all myself!" Suto looked past Fitch to see Luna just in time to get snapped at, smiling apologetically and immediately rising to his feet. "S-Sorry, I'll get it all moved for you right away!" he said quickly, hurrying over and scooping up everything he could grab. In his haste of doing so he was left stumbling off with the items precariously perched, having to sway and grasp at things every step to keep it from falling off. Using his feet to feel around for an empty spot he finally found place to set them, smiling as he simply dropped everything in place. "There we go, you're all set Luna," Suto declared, turning around as he grinned, closing his eyes and gave her a thumbs up, "If you need anything else feel free to ask!" Catching wind of a familiar, annoyed growl he opened his eyes just in time to see Luna charging at him, gasping and holding his hands up defensively before he was punched, getting knocked off of his feet and flipping through the air comically before landing face first in the sand, his rear sticking up until he sat on it and began spitting out sand. "I have important things in there you brute, don't just go dropping it on the ground!" Luna shouted, holding a fist up threateningly as she shouted over Suto's string of apologies, "And don't apologize so much! Clean that sand off of yourself too, you're going to track it everywhere!" Hmph, what was she, his mother? Seeing as he was still apologizing she softened up after, giving a roll of her eyes before looking away and waving her hand in his direction. "Okay, okay, apology accepted, just cut that out, it's weird. Don't do it again and we won't have any problems." Hmph, now then she could perhaps get settled down and relax for a change. Digging her towel out of the pile at her feet she gave it a thorough shaking, laying it out a little closer to the water by Suto and Yari, smiling at the latter as she sat down. "You look nice by the way Yari, I've never seen that suit before."