[quote=@Ellri]Period - this is kinda vague. it is better to have each specific era as a community tag. If someone's searching for a victorian-era RP, they'd search for Victorian, not era RPs. Still, if you have a compelling counter-argument, we'll gladly listen.[/quote] I figured a catch-all term for time periods that aren't common enough to warrant their own category. 1920's jazz-era is a valid time-period, but not one seen regularly and so a whole tag for it alone feels gratuitous. Perhaps 'historical' instead if we don't already have that? [quote]TBC (for party size) - Explain what this is. The term is unfamiliar.[/quote] To be confirmed. IE: the GM doesn't know how many characters they're looking for [quote]Under Construction/Ideas Please - This is covered by the "Sandbox" tag.[/quote] I don't feel it is. This would be asking players interested in the RP to contribute lots to the RP's development process, such as world-building and selecting between possible ideas that the GM may put on the table. Sandbox, to me, means lots of freedom once the RP has started, and that's not actually the same thing. [quote]Player-driven & GM-driven - Not sure exactly where to put these, and unsure if other tags might cover them already. [/quote] Fair. [quote=@Shienvien] Wouldn't it be better to have Medieval/Modern/Near-Future/Far-Future/other time-related as their own tags? (And then just mix'n'match: "Sci-Fi" + "Modern", "Sci-Fi" + "Far-Future", "Fantasy" + "Modern", "Fantasy" + "Medieval", etc.)[/quote] Seems legit. [quote=@Ellri]Perhaps such could even be expanded into a full out visibility system, where people can hide any RPs with certain tags attached from their sight? Like if the very idea of Sci-fi RPs makes someone throw up, they'd rather not see them, right?[/quote] I like the idea in principle but I feel it would encourage people to narrow their interests rather than expand their horizons; I don't go for Sci-Fi, but if the right idea came along, I would at least look at it - especially if Sci-Fi is a small element of the RP. Maybe a simple flag system, if nobody has already suggested it, might be better: you set which tags you're particularly looking for and there is a little flag of some kind next to each game in the thread-listings if it fulfils your criteria.