[@Zatoshi] "Gulp..." Rammus felt a weird vibe. For a moment, he'd felt a strong magical presence, emitted over all the Payon's residents? The residents' eyes aren't normal, as if being possessed by something. The nearby residents charged towards Rammus & Ellision, instinctively chasing them with their jaws open wide. "Did they just turn into zombies??" Rammus took to his heels and ran from them, they're definitely controlled by something, there is no way that many people would have the same magical affinity and have such an amount of magic. {'Damnnit I must get to the Mayor!') Rammus shoved aside a zombie, as he burst open the Mayor's room. "Huff... MAYORR! The residents turned into Zombies after some strange magic, and they are aiming for us..." Rammus locked the doors, stuffing furnitures behind it to secure it for the moment... "And my boww, is it done yet???" [color=f6989d]"I knew it... it was that brat Atticus..."[/color] The Mayor sighed, as Rammus receives his new bow. "Sooo... Anything to get deal the zombie horde outside? Right now... Payon seemed to be screwed up... hope it stays up at tomorrow dawn..." Rammus asked. [@MonsieurShade] Meanwhile in the entry point, the defence is going rather smoothly, mostly due to the horsemen of Swyn are heading to Payon on a straight direction, without much strategies or something. The invaders don't seem to have much common sense or intelligence, they seemed to be controlled. But, an unnatural vibe of magic is felt from the village center. @nobody "Was planning to sleep, but ima just try play warcraft & Left 4 Dead from here~" Atticus, still in his Swyn's train carriage, his table consists of a chessboard with some Krrstria-like drawings on it, "Heh, the village wasn't going to be invaded, its already been invaded o3o"