After a few more minutes of watching the robot helplessly plow into the wall, Andrei decided to ignore the threatening words. He walked over within touching distance of the sentry bot, examining the crude additions to the armor and finally spotting what appeared to be an official marking. On the 'shoulder' of the bot there was a faint circle of stars, mixed in with a painting of a skull. Above that, two barely-legible letters, "RW". '[i]SRWG[/i],' Andrei thought. "You're a unit from Special Robotics." He said, the words slipping from his mouth. Hopefully nobody else was around, or that loose tongue might have cost him more than his life. Andrei removed his holotags and propped them in a position where the robot would be able to scan them. "Take a good look, I know you're a bit smarter than the average robot. You and I are from the same group, that service number will confirm it once you run it through your database." Without hesitation, Andrei threw a large piece of rubble in front of the bot's wheels to act as a chock. He then pulled the back panel from the robot's 'torso' and saw more than a few immediate problems. The phrase "Cable Management" had obviously never entered the Raiders' heads. It only took him a few seconds to find the navigation problem; a few mismatched wires and a repeater that kept feeding information back into itself. A simple fix. Some time later, Andrei spoke again, "I'm trusting you to not add me to that pile of Raider corpses, but I guess I wouldn't blame you." Andrei pushed the panel closed, and put a few feet of distance between him and the robot.