[hider=Done][h3][center][color=lightcyan]Basics[/color][/center][/h3] [center][img]http://i990.photobucket.com/albums/af26/nightforest/desert_vagabond_by_gony_04-d7qbi3r_zpsmshz2if7.jpg[/img] [/center] [b]Name:[/b] Krieg [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Appeared Age:[/b] Early-twenties [b]Height:[/b] 6’1’’ [b]Weight:[/b] 180lbs [b]Eye Color:[/b] His iris is a solid red with no pupil visible, while the white sclera around it has turned jet black. The iris also glows when he’s angry or just afflicted with a strong emotion. [b]Hair Color:[/b] Dark Brown [b]Physical Disabilities:[/b] None. [b]Physical Identifiers:[/b][list] [*] A scar on his face, which runs right across the bridge of his nose. [*] Several bullet wounds across his body. [/list] [b]Appearance: [/b] Krieg’s eyes are his most noticeable feature, betraying his status as an Immortal at first glance. Therefore, he would often wear a pair of mirror sunglasses and use a scarf to cover the lower half of his face. When in public places or on treks across the desert, he also pulls the hood of his cloak up, further hiding his appearance. However, underneath the whole getup, Krieg isn’t too hard to look at, if you don’t count the demonic eyes. Wild, unkempt brown hair framed his face, often kept shoulder-length, strong jaw, nose slightly crooked from too many times broken, all those features give him that look that seems attractive to some, while thuggish to others. While possessing an imposing height, Krieg doesn’t appear too intimidating. He is fit, years trudging through the scorching deserts of Dust and swinging the crude halberd around have given his muscles definition; however he still seems a bit gangly. [h3][center][color=lightcyan]Background[/color][/center][/h3] [b]Residence:[/b] Nowhere permanent. [b]Profession:[/b] Courier/Guide/Bodyguard [b]Aligned Faction:[/b] Neutral [b]Relatives:[/b][list] [*] Alrik Degray - Father (Deceased) [*] Therese Adler – Mother (Deceased) [*] Dimitri Degray – Older Half-Brother (Deceased) [*] Sandra Degray – Older Sister (Alive, owner of the Red Rivet in Tas) [*] Jakob Degray – Older Half-Brother (Alive, currently in heading a group of slavers/raiders. Has permanent resident in Eton, but moves about regularly) [/list] [hider=Backstory] Born from an union of a slave and her master, Krieg should’ve shared the dreadful life of his mother, head bowed beneath the whip. However, fate had been kinder to him. His father, Alrik, was something of a merchant who, in his own words, “deals in blood, bullets and booze”. Originally an arms merchant from Bakersville, Alrik eventually expanded his business to selling slaves and alcohol. While his base was in Bakersville, he had offices and outposts in Tas and Arclight, and even some ties with the Forsaken. Alrik had never been a slaver himself, but he frequently purchased slaves from raiders and sold them to the Forsaken, along with weapons and liquor. A few years later, Therese, daughter of a travelling merchant, was caught and enslaved by raiders after they ambushed her caravan out in the desert. It was days later that she found herself in the possession of Alrik Degray. Immediately smitten, the usually shrewd merchant didn’t sell her to the Forsaken, instead keeping the woman as his personal slave. Her intelligence and sharp wit grew on him though, and soon enough, she was considered an employee within his company, rather than a lowly slave. Alrik even went as far as giving her control of a bar he owned in Tas, the Red Rivet. He would often visit her every few months, and eventually, Sandra and Krieg was born. However, only Sandra really grew up in Tas, as Alrik came by when Krieg was five and took him back to Bakesville. There, he was raised alongside with two of his half-brothers, Dimitri and Jakob, who was 8 years and 10 years his senior respectively. Krieg wasn’t practically close to his brothers, mostly because of the age gap, but they maintain an amicable relationship. By the time Krieg was seven, he began learning the basics of combat under the mentorship of his father right-hand man, Johann. Back then, the lessons didn’t involve anything more than waving a stick around and running in their backyard. However, as Johann was an ex-Legionaire who didn’t believe in half measures, Krieg was pitted against slaves a few years later. Though both parties were armed with blunt practice swords at that time, the lessons had always resulted in a bruised rib or two. Eventually, when Krieg was thirteen years of age, he took his first life, a slave twice his age, who was scheduled to be shipped to Forbes the next morning. Needless to say, Alrik was less than pleased. He supported his son’s training, but not at the cost of profit. So the fights continued, but this time, Krieg only used either a stick or his bare hands. He didn’t always win though. More often than not, Johann had to pull the frenzied slave off his student, just to prevent them from killing each other. Turn out, most people didn’t take kindly to being enslaved, and once pitted against a brat, they often took it out on him. A few months later, Johann moved onto more advance training. He taught Krieg all he knew, both the skills acquired from his time in the Legion and the knowledge he accumulated from his years raiding caravans and settlements. While Johann was no doubt a good fighter, his moral values were rather questionable. After all, he was the type of man who would beat his own mother just because he could. Years spent as a caravan guard had mellowed the man a bit, but Johann still preferred a violent solution to most things. Knowing this unprofitable mindset might rub off on his son, Alrik took Krieg away again. At the age of sixteen, he went back to live with his mother and sister in Tas. She tried to interest him in the art of bartering, but it was a lost cause. Alrik came back again after a year, and since then, he had travelled with his father on almost every business trips, some of which even took him into Forbes and Eton. It was around this time that Krieg had the chance to get reacquainted with his brothers; both often accompanied their father on his trips as well. Dimitri was an okay guy, shaping up to be a merchant just like Alrik, but Jakob was more interested in…other things. Back then, there had been talks about him planning to join the Legion, much to Alrik’s dismay. While the old merchant firmly believed in survival of the fittest, he thought the Forsaken Order had taken it a little bit too far, to the point that their gladiatorial fights were simply glorified slaughters. Jakob wasn’t too happy with father’s decision, but Krieg never thought his brother could take it that far. It was just another hot day, the scorching sun poured down on them as they drove the last miles toward Tas. Alrik owned a small outpost outside of the town, a house built on the remnants of some old world structures. With enough bribery and business deals, the Khans mostly left them alone, and their presence kept the smaller groups of raiders away, so it was considered a safe house by his father. As Krieg finished checking up on the slaves, about thirty of them, men and women alike, crammed up inside the back of the truck, he went back inside, only to find his mother was there as well, bringing with her a few bottles of vodka from the bar. At that time, Krieg didn’t want to drink as he was coming down with a cold and decided that alcohol wouldn’t help, so he went outside. A noise caught his attention, and when Krieg went to check, he was greeted with a blow to the head. He came to a few minutes later though, whoever knocked him out obviously didn’t take the chance to kill him. There was shouting in the distance, and as Krieg drew closer, he found a group of slaves surrounding his father, who by then had been mauled and mutilated, recognizable only by his clothes. Nearby were the corpses of his mother and Dimitri, both covered in blood and riddled with bullet holes. Somehow, the slaves had managed to escape, armed themselves with weapons taken from the guards and killed their master. Krieg searched for his halberd, only to find it in the hand of a slave. So he drew his machete and charged. There weren’t that many slaves left, as most took the chance to flee or was gunned down by the guards before they themselves were overwhelmed. Curiously, some even gave him a look that could only be described as ‘terrified’ as he mowed them down. Krieg walked away from the fight with three bullets in his shoulder and a trail of bodies behind him. But when he returned to Tas to look for his sister, the look she gave him wasn’t very different from those of the men he had just killed. He looked into the mirror and saw why. His eyes had changed drastically, becoming two red orbs on the backdrop of black, and they fucking glowed. It dawned on him then, that the cold was not simply a cold. It was The Sickness, a condition that either turned men into monsters, or Immortals. He wasn’t sure which one was better, or if they were any different at all. So Krieg packed his bags and set out the next morning, leaving the entirety of the Degray’s fortune in the hands of his sister. He stopped briefly at the outpost, only to find that scavengers had cleaned the place. Nothing but the corpses remained, but he noticed then that Jakob was nowhere to be found. Krieg didn’t think much of it then, not until he ran into his brother a few years later. In the end, Jakob didn’t join the Legion, but instead from a group of raiders on his own. He asked Krieg to join, naturally, but he declined. The travelling life of a wasteland wanderer interested him more, and besides, he didn’t want to reveal his status as an Immortal, now that the hostilities against his kind were at an all time high. [/hider] [h3][center][color=gold]Gear[/color][/center][/h3] [b]Weapons:[/b][list] [*][url=http://i990.photobucket.com/albums/af26/nightforest/HKUMP45_zpslwbbhmdz.jpg][b]The Gun[/b] [/url] : A modified HK UMP9, heavily jury-rigged. Despite its worn and battered appearance, it is still fairly functional. [*] [url=http://i990.photobucket.com/albums/af26/nightforest/halberd_by_larkinor_zpsdrmhaxoa.jpg] [b] The Walking Stick [/b][/url] : A halberd of sort, consisted of a steel pole and a blade crudely welded to it. Also has leather wrappings around the handle for better grip. When out of combat, he has a sheath for the blade, and he does use it as a walking stick sometimes, leaning on it when he’s tired or prodding objects for traps. [*][url=http://i990.photobucket.com/albums/af26/nightforest/machete_by_c4ddanik-d4czky6_zpsxlnujggj.jpg][b] The Machete[/b] [/url] : A custom job, looks like the love child of a combat knife and a machete. Often strapped horizontally across his back, right below the backpack. [/list] [b]Armor:[/b] A stab vest, reinforced with a metal plate on the upper torso and chain mail sleeves. He also wears a leather gauntlet on his left arm, covered with thick metal plates on the forearms and metal stubs on the knuckles. Additionally, he has knee pads, but that’s it for leg armor. He only wears armor while working, however, he still wears the stab vest while in town. Better safe than sorry. [b]Ammunition:[/b][list] [*][b]Dirty Rounds:[/b] 5 magazines of 9x19mm (30) [/list] [b]Worn rucksack[/b][list] [*]Rations and water [*]A compass [*]A Swiss army knife [*]Whet stones [*]Map [*]A pair of binoculars, for looking at stuff [*]Flints [*]Several pairs of sun glasses [/list] [b]Miscellaneous:[/b] He actually doesn’t like to wear sunglasses, or glasses for that matter. [h3][center][color=navajowhite]Immortalis Information[/color][/center][/h3] [b]Manifested Phenomena:[/b] [color=8b0000]Fire/Heat [/color] [color=ff4500][b]Unique Abilities:[/b] [/color][list] [*] [b] Burn baby burn[/b]: Krieg can breathe out fire through his mouth, though he otherwise has no control over the element itself. [*] [b] It’s getting hot in here[/b]: Krieg can increase his body’s temperature drastically, to the point of giving people third degree burns with just a touch. This also makes him very resistant to any harmful effects of fire, and only the most extreme of temperature can affect him. However he can still die from the lack of oxygen if inside a fire. He can also choose which part of his body to heat up, just for the sake of conserving energy. [/list] [color=00ced1][b]Strengths:[/b][/color] [list] [*] [b] Stabby [/b]: A trained combatant, Krieg has his fair share of fights. However, his specialty lies mostly in close-quarter combat, either with that halberd of his or utilizing his power in hand-to-hand fights. [*] [b] Potent as a pony [/b]: Years travelling across the desert combined with the training he received beforehand, Krieg has amazing stamina. He isn’t practically strong or fast, however he is quite hardy. He can maintain physical activities longer than most, and take longer before succumbing to exhaustion, thirst or hunger. [/list] [color=00ff00][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/color] [list] [*] [b] Get over here [/b]: A melee fighter most of the time, Krieg’s skill with a gun is sadly neglected. Sure, he knows how to fire, how to reload and how to aim, but that’s about it. He doesn’t know what to do with a jammed or broken gun, and he actually have only used submachine guns and pistols before. It doesn’t help that his abilities are most effective at mid to close range. [*] [b] Only human [/b]: Krieg's abilities drain his energy, so it's not a very good idea to abuse them. [/list] [/hider]