Shirley tried to size everyone up for injuries, but she was a little too far to make out much. Plus, she had her own skeletons to fend off by now considering she was all alone, what with her partner off by the giant. (I'm not sure how many there were to start with xD) She stashed away her talisman at her waist and twirled her staff in one hand, using it as a blunt weapon. She would prefer to use a spell or miracle, but there were too many and too close for her to cast anything, so this would have to do for the moment. She gripped it with both hands, and using momentum from twirl, swung the staff in a wide arc in front of her. Whacking about three skeletons in the temple. She spun on her heel, her red dress swirling, to quickly whack another two skeletons on the side of the head, with a good amount of force. Such attacks probably wouldn't put them down, but at the very least it would knock them off back. Perhaps even enough to cast a spell. She hopped back a ways, weaving her way past a stumbling skeleton, and began to channel up a Greater Soul Arrow to fire off at a skeleton.