To call it a normal Sunday afternoon was as close to the truth as you'd get in Slant City. Midtown was crazy with tourists shopping and eating at nice restaurants, the inner city was calm as people went on with their own business, and the bay was calm as no ships were coming to port until late. Another boring day in Slant City. Or was it? Well on Stewart and Thirteenth Street, shit was going down. The corner was home to a T.V Hut electronic store, a small local chain growing in the shadows. Inside, along with frightened customers and a grocery cart full of electric parts and wiring was a man in a big orange and white suit that looked like something out of Alien. The man in the suit had just tased the store's only cashier, a pimple faced teen barely scrapping two dimes together. "Oh you primitive weirdos," the man in the space suit insulted, "if you've got a wallet or a purse, throw it in the damn cart. I don't have time to coodle every single one of you, so we are going to work through the honor system here! Give me your cash, I don't zap you close to death! Your move cavemen!" The civilians all looked at each other in confusion, noticing the use of "primitive" and "cavemen". One, sexist, since there were obviously woman there. Two, who the fuck was this guy. "Uhh, sir," a man wearing a Micky Mouse t-shirt asked as he raised his hand as if he were in school, "who the hell are you?" The suited man looked at him, pointed his taser at the man and unleashed a hard light construct of pure energy the wrapped itself around the hostage and electrified him instantly. "I'm the Supreme Lord of The Future, bitch."