[hider=Prince Artoran Tritan Sand][hider=Appearance][center][img]https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xaf1/t51.2885-15/s320x320/e15/11325135_1443981595903359_145585147_n.jpg[/img] [sub]Pictured here in rare condition: Frowning, and with minimal adornments. Photo pre-scarring (see Other). He stands at 5'11 with the lean, well-muscled form of an acrobat and boasts brown eyes with copper flecks that give them a strange reddish hue from a distance, not unlike rust.[/sub] [i]”The boy has fire in his blood, to say the least. Fire and wine, and no small amount of venom."[/i] [i]”What good is a life without pleasures? Pleasures of drink, of combat, of flesh, anything to keep the blood boiling, really.”[/i][/center][/hider] Name: Prince Artoran Tritan Sand Nickname: Toran (used by his friends and family) Scorched One (used by peasants and lesser nobility - widely known, never said to his face lest the speaker value his tongue) Age: 17 House: Martell Parents: Toran’s father, Prince Mikael Martell, could have competed even with his great uncle Oberyn in his lustful tendencies; he had many children by many women, and loved and cared for all of his children and their mothers. Toran’s mother, Dardana Namieith, was no different. She cared greatly for Mikael, and he in return, though the Prince was too unsettling in his desires to choose any single bride and thus, never married. Siblings: Three half-sisters and four half-brothers, some as old as twenty-seven or as young as two. He is the eldest known son, and the third child. Personality: Toran is firstly and most predominantly charming. A savvy ladies man (well, anyone’s man, really) he is most often found enjoying himself in some way or another, be it training, lounging, or endlessly flirting. His soul is as light as his feet, and he has few cares in the world. His anger bears striking likeness to a whip; fast, loud and painful. Like any self-respecting Dornishman, he is deeply rooted to his family. He believes that kindness is never wasted, although he's been known to hold grudges over long-kept family fueds [s](COUGH COUGH Lannisters)[/s]. Skills: Strange as it sounds, Toran adores acrobatics, and implements it in spear fighting (any true Dornishman would know how to fight with a spear) and hand-to-hand combat. Lately, he's been particularly enjoying the challenge of fighting with a staff or a dagger, and carries his staff with him. He is quite gifted with animals (particularly [url=http://i.imgur.com/qbG0AXM.jpg]Toruk[/url], his pet and companion of sorts) and has learned much from his maester-in-training sister about fire and every way he can get his hands on to make and control it. He has trained long and hard to use fire smoothly in combat, but is still restricted in this skill to simple manoeuvres. Religion: Born into the Faith of The Seven, though he does not actively practice. Bio: Born the bastard son of Prince Mikael Martell, Toran grew up with a life unheard of for bastards in any other country in Westeros. Where a bastard in King’s Landing or Winterfell would face disgrace and shun, he enjoyed nobility and luxury, a large family and boastful wealth. With his family’s standing greatly improved after King Daerys took a Martell, Toran’s aunt no less, as his Queen. He spent his days enjoying the best food and wine, learning and training with court Maesters and fine combat teachers, and endlessly flirting with whatever beauty happened to catch his eye. He travelled often to King’s Landing, as his father and the Queen were quite close. His father answered the King’s summons, and with help from his queen aunt, Toran was in. He looks forward to seeing his aunt and Targaryen cousins, enjoying King’s Landing and perhaps earning some ‘favour’ with the other wards. Other: Toran gets his name “Scorched One” from an accident that happened when he first started training with fire. He received severe burns on his arms, left hip and the right side of his neck/face. Luckily, due to a talented maester, his wounds healed with very little disfiguration; really, the most noticeable feature of these scars are that they are starkly pale in comparison to his otherwise tan skin. While he doesn’t really resent the scars, he despises the name, as it implies failure. Few people have called him that name sincerely and left the room intact. [/hider] Sheet subject to minor edits! If anything major comes up I'll let you guys know. [@smarty0114] Look alright to you?