[center][IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/6p5mj6.jpg[/IMG] [h2]Elora[/h2][/center] Approximate Age Range: [indent][i]late 20’s[/i][/indent] Gender: [indent][i]Female[/i][/indent] Appearance: [indent][i]Elle stands at a height of 5'7" and clocks in at 125 lbs. She is slim and lanky, with thin, very dirty blonde hair that falls at her chest. Her eyes are a piercing light green, and are almost always rimmed with smudged black liner and mascara. Other than that, she wears minimal makeup. She's also got several tattoos: one, small outlines of what look like waves on her left wrist; two, an arrangement of faintly colored lilac and carnation flowers on the inner side of her right bicep; three, a simple outline of the Aries constellation following just underneath her left collar bone; four, a cartoonish black and white image of a dog tugging down a female's dress just above her left knee; five, a small colored image of a thunderbolt striking a heart on the outside of her right ankle.[/i][/indent] Attire: [indent][i]Elora is sporting an oversized, relaxed black sweater, which hides a plain grey tank top underneath. On bottom, she is wearing hip-hugging dark olive-green cargo jeans, tapered at the ankles, and worn-out high top black monochrome Converse. Her fingernails always have chipped nail polish and the right wrist is always ready with hair ties. She is never without a rustic golden necklace that hangs around her neck and rests just above her chest, bearing a miniature Swiss Army knife. There is a rectangular black bag hanging around her body, which holds her phone, headphones, pens, a pack of 5 Gum, wallet, hand sanitizer, and a little black notebook.[/i][/indent] If you met this person on the street and didn’t know them, what would be your first impression of them? [indent][i]First impressions of Elora usually begin with notice of her eyes. After that one would notice that she is very cool and collected, although there is something in her gaze and attitude that could be construed as either cold or impish. One would immediately notice her voice, relatively low and slightly raspy - like gravel swimming in honey.[/i][/indent]