[quote=@Nerevarine] [color=Blue]Maluuk:Troll Leon[/color] [@SiliconColt] Ugh, there's that voice again. Eh, you suppose its better than nothing, though you kind of wished it was someone you found more easy to troll, you actually kind of like this kid if only for your mutual love of gaming. -- transendentalInquisitor [TI] began trolling gamerCat [GC] at 23:50 -- [11:50] [color=662d91]TI: ▲ S†ORM ‡S BREW‡NG VPON YOV HVM▲N TI: ▲ S†ORM OF BLOOD ▲ND FVRY †O W‡P3 †H3 V3RY 3SSENCE OF YOVR WR3†CH3D P3OPL3 FROM †H3 PLAN3† TI: ONLY †O B3 W▲SHED ▲W▲Y FVR†H3R ‡N †H3 FLOOD OF SCR3▲MS ▲ND CRI3S FOR YOVR M‡S3R▲BL3 L‡V3S AS †H3 WORLD R3CL▲‡MS ‡†S3LF FROM YOVR POLLV†‡NG †OVCH TI: ▲LSO H‡, L3ON[/color] [/quote] Seeing another window pop up, Leon wondered what in the world this crazy person was thinking with all those weird letters. Tempted just to close the window and keep talking with CM, he tried reading what TI had to say. [color=#e68a00]GC: Uh, hello?[/color] [color=#e68a00]GC: I'm sorry, I don't know your name, Mr. Blood Storm Fury.[/color] [color=#e68a00]GC: ... OH DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH THE BETA? IM SO EXCITED, WHAT ELSE DOES THE GAME HAVE?! [/color] Leon's fingers flew into a fury of pecking on his keyboard. One would think that he'd be immune to the effects of energy drinks by now but clearly that was not the case.