[color=39b54a]Appearance [/color] [hider=Zen Thrash][img]http://safebooru.org//images/1471/1a04ceba8ed0a753f99f358b8a703e5015515659.png?1540223[/img][/hider] [color=39b54a]Name [/color] Zen Thrash [color=39b54a]Age [/color] 22 [color=39b54a]Personality[/color] Zen used to be a friendly, cheerful person who enjoyed the company of the rest of the guild. He was the kind of person who was nice to be around as he was always positive and a trustworthy person. This all changed when Seraph was wiped out as he became a reclusive person who distanced himself from others as he does not want to get hurt again. Zen is now a quiet person who hides behind his mask to keep himself detached from others that he meets, so he does not feel the pain he felt when Seraph was destroyed. [color=39b54a]Aether Potential Affinity [/color] Lightning: Zen's body has a strong resistance to large electrical charges and can even store electricity within his body. He has been known to absorb some power from a thunderstorm once or twice before. The only way to discharge the electricity though his through his artefact as he does not know any spells. [color=39b54a]Aether Artefact [/color] Zen's sword is his Aether Artefact and resembles the look of a Japanese katana. He is able to discharge bolts of lightning from his sword when being slashed at the enemies causing surges of electricity flow through their bodies causing muscles to seize up if not killing them on contact. [color=39b54a]Skills [/color] Master Swordsman: Zen is well versed in the use of his Katana and is known for being extremely fast on the draw of his sword. He has yet to meet anyone that is faster than him at a quick draw competition. Extensive knowledge of plants