[center]~|(19:07-20:32-- GST) |~ ~|Prisoner Block, Aboard the Kaggath |~ ~|Tolun Fi and Xid|~[/center] Shortly after the Sith troopers departed with their prisoner, Tolun Fi had brought Xid back to the medbay and had ordered him to lay down on the examination bench as he searched the lab for equipment to use. As far as things went, the facility was pretty sparse, and anything resembling surgery was completely out of the question. It was likely what the kolo tank was for, assuming things went catastrophically bad for one of the prisoners, and the Sith likely had their own facility that could be theoretically used in worst-case scenarios. It was theoretical, because there wasn’t likely any real drive to keep all of the Jedi alive. Some would ultimately be deemed expendable. The kaminoan found a sonar scanner and set it on a tray next to the bench as he started his examinations, ignoring the grunts of pain from Xid as he probed the sensitive spots. “Well, the good news is nothing is broken.” he announced, reaching for the sonar. “With any luck, they’ll simply be bruised and not fractured or cracked.” he said, beginning to set up the machine. “You did an exemplary job seeing to Nazca. It is nice to see you retained some of the things I taught you.” Xid tried not to wiggle, though it seemed little had changed when to came to his threshold for, pitiful low for a Jedi in his opinion, and he merely gritted his teeth until it was over. Inhaling through his nose while Tolun finished up and delivered the news. Though sadly, Xid couldn't help but hear a small voice in the back of his head whisper. No broken bones this time at least. "I get the feeling the next time I won't be so lucky." Xid admitted and smirked, half heartedly at the thought. "Do we have anything that could be used for worse cases or do I need to ridge something together?" Unsure for now how he would do that, Xid still looked forward to the challenge and knew it would keep him same at least. "So far the security system is basic at best. Not extras that my Mechu Deru can detect. Which means they can be sliced with the right skills. Shiri and Nazca, though I need to make her hand for it, can likely create a loopback feed of any key room. Though we have to be careful." “From a cursory glance, there’s not much that can be used for anything invasive or for more serious injuries. Puncture wounds and lacerations and other exposed wounds I can work with with what we have, but past that, it will come down to a lot of creativity and possibly desperate actions.” Tolun Fi replied, pleased he managed to not only activate the machine and find a full charge, but its navigation and display were all in common. He set the machine over the area where Xid seemed to respond in pain the most and moved it slowly and deliberately around, checking the terminal for any signs of damage, listening to Xid as he worked. “You’ve been busy, I suppose I should have expected you to have put your talents to good use already. I was speaking to the others about our course of action, and you came up as a key person, given your aptitude with machines. I was going to inquire if you were capable of overriding the lifts, as a matter of fact. Once we figure out the Sith’s general schedule, we could use it to send scouts to get a layout of the ship and help plot an escape, and find what equipment we need to do so.” He clucked his tongue as he thought he found a small crack in one of Xid’s ribs, but it was simply the display taking longer to update. “You think you can make a proper hand for Nazca with whatever we can salvage? I’m inclined to think we should wait until she’s off ship and we can get to a proper facility for that sort of thing. Besides, the Sith won’t be very accommodating once they realized what you had to have taken to get the materials to craft even a crude arm.” Tolun Fi said, looking up to look Xid in the eyes. The message was clear; be careful with what you do, because the Sith would not take kindly to their prisoners taking initiative, especially once they find out one of them is a mechanical savant. "First off, depends on the lift type. If I've encountered it then it will be a breeze and take only a few minutes when I get the panel off. Sadly if I don't know it, we'll need me and a slicer to slice in. We'd have to work together and well or else we could end up sabotaging each other." Xid said then winched when Tolun pressed the machine to his exposed torso. His flesh twitched and jerked, shivering from the contact. He inhaled and continued. "The bad part Tolun Fi, I know what you're thinking. It's a little late. The Trandoshan ended up coming across me while I was patching up a few droids before he and an [i]ally[/i] of his," Xid used the term loosely while he moved on. "...captured me. Not to mention I'm not going to standby and do anything while my allies are being hurt. I can't as you well know. I hate being helpless or seeing someone suffer in front of me. Not to mention I think a third sith, or possibly the same one, already knows when I sent a blaster shattering into a wall." “That’s unfortunate.” Tolun Fi said, completing his inspection and setting the machine aside. “You can sit up, nothing major, although your third and fourth rib have very minor stress fractures that unfortunately can’t be addressed. They’ll hurt for a while, but it shouldn’t impede your movement once you start to heal. Just roll the other way if people start kicking you in the chest.” he said, finding a stool to sit on. “We’ll figure things out as we go, but it would seem we lost the element of surprise, but it was only a matter of time before they discovered your Mechu Deru.” he exhaled slowly, collecting his thoughts. Xid was stubborn, as usual. He could get rather emotional when people and machines alike got so broken they couldn’t be fixed. “I am aware of your predisposition towards selfless help, but you need to consider that you might be everyone’s best chance at escaping. That may mean staying your hand when you feel you must strike. I have spent many, many years traversing the galaxy to convince people not to kill each other and countless innocents besides, and the one constant is there is never a clean or easy solution. I have made some very difficult choices, permitting the expenditure of some lives to benefit the greater whole. The Jedi always try to be selfless and never turn their backs on those in need, but it’s a juvenile sentiment that does not coincide with the reality of the galaxy. You must be willing to give a life if it can save others, and unfortunately, that is the scenario we face. Now, what do you know of the Sith you have encountered?” "Now you sound like [i]Him[/i]." For the first there was unexpected bitterness and possibly strong dislike when Xid answered. "Do not think of the method but the result. Something I refuse to believe is what I have to do, it is what makes Jedi different than others. Besides, logically I can teach others how to build a lightsaber and what to look for. The only problem is the crystal but a blaster, while not the best choice, one can substitute for a lightsaber. It just won't hold for very long against a real one. The only issue is direction when we get out." Xid paused long enough to lift himself upright, rubbing away the stiffness from laying down. "As for the sith I encountered... Do you want my observations in less... Mechanical terms?" “Him?” Tolun Fi inquired, curious. “It might also be a tall order to obtain a blaster, unless one were to access the armoury, which may not be feasible, and people tend to notice their blasters are missing when they go to sign them out. And no, convey your observations as you find comfortable. We’ve worked together long enough that I’ve acclimatized to your world view. Continue.” "He was a prisoner I met on a republic owned planet. Let's just say not all scars I have are physical from being Sela's padawan." Xid replied, his hands gripping his tunic while they fisted at the memory. His eyes had turned down and avoided Tolun's gaze before turning quickly onto the better subject. "The Trandoshan is a killing machine by nature. Specializing in brute strength and speed, he is best in combat. Cruel and sadistic, his tactics seem to be mostly dependent on his prey. My calculations aren't suitable as I didn't stay much a chance. Our levels differed drastically." Xid took a breath then resumed. "Weakness for target could be the cybernetic eye, joints and I noted he didn't use a wide range of force ability. As for the other two sith the analysis is incomplete. The one who caught had managed to pin me down but I believe he had a robotic appendage and lacked the level of the Trandoshan. The first one I met officially seemed more manipulative and calm, suggest less combative skills because he had troopers accompany him. He didn't fair too well when Shiri and I engaged him. Both of us nearly got away which implicate overconfidence or lack of physical strength. He might have a cybernetic limb as well as his arm had a grinding sound. I think that's it." The kaminoan nodded, filing the information for later. He had suspected some kind of emotional trauma had inflicted Xid, and his detached worldview of relating everything to machines was a form of coping mechanism. It was the closest Tolun Fi had gotten to a confession from the young knight. He wouldn’t press the issue, or dig up old wounds, as he needed Xid here. And Xid was a friend, it wouldn’t be proper to harm him intentionally. The remark about Master Sela was surprising. Why would he have scars from being under her tutelage? Jedi got hurt during training and on missions all the time, but mentioning her by name had to have been intentional. It was a shame she wasn’t around to speak with anymore. His focus reigned on to focus on the Sith. The Trandoshan wouldn’t be one to be reasoned with, nor could most of his species, and it was remarkable a simple brute had managed to remain in power and favour of the Sith for so long. There had to be more to him than simple barbarism. The information he was more of a physical being than relying on the Force was definitely something interesting for later use. The mention of the robotic-armed Sith was like dipping into a warm bath, but it was excellent having an observation of his ability. “Interesting. We will have to figure something for handling the Trandoshan, especially if he is as powerful as you’ve noted. I know the second Sith you speak of, Jakali. I found it uncharacteristically commendable for the man to be willing to speak with me respectfully, with no force involved. I think perhaps you might be correct about his abilities, and maybe losing his arm had sapped his confidence. He seems to wish to convert us by convincing us of the superiority of Sith ideals, but he was willing to indulge me as I humbly corrected him. He might be a potential ally, I sense some good in him still. You did well, Xid.” Tolun Fi complimented the young man. “Thanks. Though we could cripple him likely by sabotaging his eye, joints, and physically in some manner. Namely as he couldn’t use the force outside physically augmentation. If he can’t move well, he can’t use his force from the observations I made.” Xid stated, simply, smirking at Tolun’s praise. He liked the fact the topic shifted back away from his mention and turned toward the kaminoan. His legs slide off the table edge and seemed ready to pounce onto the floor before he caught the rest of Tolun Fi’s words. “I suspect Darth Nyiss will want to speak with me before long, and she seems to have an interest in my scientific background. I believe she sees something of a peer in me, which is as close to a compliment as one could expect, given the circumstances. I wish to see what she wants, and I aim to try to earn a degree of trust. She mentioned having labs, and I need access to them. I might be able to do far more good for the Jedi there than in here.” he said. Xid blinked. His mind numbed and struggling to process the information given to him, unsure where it might end up. For a lengthy time the knight was quiet and silent, his eyes lowered to the floor in thought. Finally he spoke up. “I can’t say I don’t find that slightly… worrisome, Tolun Fi. You know how dangerous that is? Are you sure she will ever truly trust you because she sees you as a peer? Gaining trust could lead into her viewing you to be a future threat and that could get you killed. Good or not, you can’t really expect me to sit around to let you risk your life over this. We’ll figure something else out.” “Of course not, but no risks mean nothing gained. I’m prepared to sacrifice for the greater good, and that means putting myself in a compromising position. Besides, we had met once already; she was the one who captured me. Didn’t strike me as a woman who takes no for an answer.” Tolun Fi said. “I appreciate your concern, but I think you and I both know that this trip isn’t likely going to have a pleasant ending for most of us. You and I have unique skills that could make quite a bit of difference. Do you trust me, Xid? I know I shouldn’t have to ask, but this is one of those times I request you defer to my judgement… for better or worse.” Xid sighed and gave the knight a look, one that reassured his own words. “Tolun Fi, of course I trust you. Ever since I was a youngling, I often considered your judgment better than mine. However, I can’t help but wonder one thing. Something the prisoner tried to teach me because he could see the world in the same view as I could, and that never to dwell on the means but rather aim for the goal. I started listening because it brought more progress. Slowly, it wasn’t until my trust was betrayed did I realise I had failed to see I could possibly hurt people while trying to meet that goal. Please don’t lose sight of the effects based on the methods you chose.” “I will try not to, but sometimes you cannot avoid others getting caught in the web. Unless we act, and do what we can with what resources we have available, we risk losing everyone. Sometimes, sacrifices have to be made, Xid. I very well might be one of them, but at least it will be my choice and not the Sith’s. There’s something comfortable about controlling one’s destiny, even if only a little. Even those who perish do not face the end, but rather return to the Force, and I don’t say it lightly, but there is something beautiful and eternal about that. We all live in, after a fashion.” Tolun Fi said, rising from the stool. “When the time comes, you may not have the choice to save everyone. What will you do?” “I’ll save who I can and die saving the rest. It’s likely better that way. What I know and have done would put more than just us in jeopardy, it would put a few planets and worse at the Sith’s fingertips. It’s better my knowledge dies with me than end up in the wrong claws or hands.” Xid added, his own figure sliding over to ease off the table. He was slightly off balance and his arm gripped the edge, trying to steady himself. “Currently the lift doors aren’t hard to open but they are covered by at least one camera. Basic as I said. If we work on it at night and someone slices the cameras, we can likely slowly manipulate the lifts to active at a key pass code that only we know. It will allow us to slip out possibly though navigation ship is another matter. I could help with my Mechu Deru but it would take time and we’d be moving slowly.” “I think it would be wise to prepare, but not act on it until we have a plan and a layout of the ship. No sense in giving away our little secrets until we must. Keep me informed of your progress, and I’ll try to do the same for you. I’m counting on you.” Tolun Fi said, turning suddenly as he sensed a familiar and heavy presence. Standing at the lift was Darth Nyiss, alone and very confident in herself. He expression was as unnervingly pleasant as ever. She had already collected Nazca, and when Tolun Fi emerged, she gave him a quizzical, almost amicable gaze. “Tolun dear, if you are not indisposed, I would appreciate your company now.” “Duty calls.” Tolun Fi said to Xid, approaching the Darth. He regarded her for a moment, and the injured girl Xid had tried so hard to save. “Shall we be off, then?” “Tolun Fi, she can’t. Nazca’s parts aren’t fixed and she could end up damaging her more. I can’t allow this.” Xid said as his eyes widened, his hand pushed gingerly off the table edge. His boot was already leading the way to block the Darth from taking Nazca, her parts not even fully fix, and likely putting himself into a terrible situation. Tolun Fi glared at Xid imploringly, an unspoken look that demanded he stand down. It was a look Tolun Fi seldom ever had to give Xid, but this was a time where everything was on the line. “Xid, I need to you listen to me very carefully. You are being rash and are in no position to help repair Nazca if you do something that can endanger her and yourself. If you become damaged, who will repair you? There are no replacement parts or adequate facilities to keep everyone intact if you force Darth Nyiss to break them. Remember that MRI that had broken down and I had neglected to service and how we had to wait for four weeks to get the replacement parts for it? This is like that, but there are no replacement parts. It’s just us and what we have at our disposal. I will try to keep Nazca safe and intact, I need you to believe in me that far. She can still be fixed now, but that can change in an instant. Think, observe. Do not let your emotions cloud your judgement.” Instantly, Xid froze. Inside his mind was torn between helping Nazca and obeying Tolun’s logic. However when his head turned to the kaminoan’s harsh glare, any desire to help his friend had fled under the stern reprimand. Slowly, Xid’s body leaned back into the table, his movements stopped and his head looked down in guilt and shame. For a moment he felt like a youngling again. Immature and emotional, his actions dictated by emotions. He replied in a regretful tone for his actions. “Yes, Tolun Fi.” The consular stepped foward, putting a hand on Xid’s shoulder. Although he towered over Xid, Tolun Fi never felt Xid was beneath him. “I know it’s a hard choice to make, but I am proud of you for having made it. Your empathy and dedication to your peers is a gift that few people possess, never lose sight of that. Remember what we spoke of, and I will be back shortly.” he said, stepping away from Xid and stepping into the turbolift. As the door closed in front of him, he offered Xid a rare smile. He’d like that, he was sure.