Donny watched and listened carefully as Raa tried to talk down this turian. He kept kicking himself mentally, as about all the alarms in his head just kept telling him to kill the turian. It was his training kicking in, and it was rather effective. If he was alone and in a hurry he might have really shot her without a passing thought. He tried not to think too much about how loose his morals was. He was a soldier, she was armed. On the battlefield not being able to make split second decisions makes all the difference between being dead or alive. But now Raa was risking her tail trying to calm down this turian, who everyone outnumbers and outguns, and what does he do? Just watch. He has to do something. He knows he could do more. Slowly putting his rifle on the floor, Donny stood up, his hands open and in the air for the turian to see. He had no idea what he was doing, but it was too late to stop him now. He needed to help Raa. He couldn't live with the guilt of a civvie dying over negotiations. [b]"We only want to live, just like you. We want to be able to go home and see our families. And most of all, we don't want to fight."[/b] Donny's helmet collapsed, revealing his very human face. He didn't even have his shields up, making him even more exposed to death. But anything to let the turian know that he wasn't trying to trick her or get her to lower her guard. He needed to make sure she still felt like she could walk out of this alive. [b]"I may be human, but I don't want you, or Raa, or anyone else here to die. I don't even know why we're under attack. But I want to save as many people as I can. I want to save you. Please, lower your weapon. Come with us. We will protect you and bring you to safety. I promise that you won't have to worry about anyone hurting you, and you can go home."[/b] Donny stepped up slowly next to Raa. This was for two reasons: One so the turian could see him and look at his face, which hopefully looked honest to her. The second reason was so that she may aim her gun at Donny instead, and if she does shoot, he could knock Raa to the ground to protect her from the ensuring gunfire. Not a fool proof plan, but it was do-or-die now.