Tacticus was starting to become impatient with the situation. Every second they wasted they were getting closer to being captured or killed, though both of those things were probably the same. It didn't help when Avatar gave him something to count. This did not help the extreme discomfort he felt in this situation. [i]I'm a shock trooper for spirits sake![/i] he thought. His job was not negotiating or hearts and minds, that was the press corps job! He began clenching his jaw rather tightly trying to get his nerves under control. This situation was absurd to him at this point. Every second he counted in the back of his mind the more every fiber in his being was willing to risk the shot. These people were not part of his squad... his family, hell they weren't even part of the mission. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed the rest of the cabal minus Sura pile back out of the room to make defenses. If Sura wasn't shooting yet surely he shouldn't be? The commentary the various parties were piling on was atleast helping him to think there was atleast some plan in this chaos. If the Asari was willing to neutralize the women he was mostly sure he would be able to follow up without killing anyone. That's what these crazies wanted anyways right? Not to kill anyone, that sure was a foreign concept given the situation. Then again he was mostly sure he wouldn't kill the Turian women...mostly. He debated for a moment if he even cared, the answer to that did not change from when he first walked into the room. Covering his mouth slightly from the Turian women's view with his right shoulder he whispered into the comms. "If you give her a lift... I can follow for the grab." He just hoped the Asari would figure out what he meant or rather would abide by his idea. His grip tightened on his pistol as he was thinking of things that would help take his mind off the cost-benefit analysis he was being forced to make. Then the Human walked forward aswell, filling Cactus with unseen rage. The Humans were going to get them killed weren't they? They couldn't possibly still be mad about the first contact war could they? Regardless, these people seemed like they wanted to die. Especially Donny considering he noticed the slight flicker of his shield as he deactivated it. The odds of him hitting one of the two in the back of the head at this point was high. This made him take his eye off a head shot of the women but still keep the weapon in her direction. If shit hit the fan at now his odds of keeping allied casualties down were better with a charge. He put himself out of his firing stance and more of a lunge. Then something else scratching at his brain slipped out. "Lady if it counts... we could have killed you awhile ago. We really just want to get out of here alive." Cactus said in a less rigid voice than he had been using the whole time they had been on the station.