[center][hider=Carson Olliemare] [b]Name[/b]: Carson Olliemare [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Age[/b]: 32 [b]Rank[/b]: Beta [b]Trade[/b]: Carpenter [b]Upright Appearance[/b]: 5'10, 190 lbs. Stocky fellow. Very muscular. A bushy, untrimmed beard covers the lower half of his face. A scar runs from his left cheek, right at the jaw line, across the bridge of his nose and ending above his eyebrow. His hair is dark brown. Eyes are a light blue. Almost Nordic appearance. Very rough and rigid looking. Very handsome. [b]Canine Appearance[/b]: 48" tall, 8'8 from nose to tail, 220 pounds. Dark brown fur, light blue eyes. Carson's canine form is a hulking mass of muscle. This form looks like a tank with fur. His scar remains across his wolf face. [b]Personality[/b]: Carson is a very proud and honorable man. Very loyal, however he is not afraid to cancel that loyalty if he doesn't agree with something that the one he is loyal to is doing. Very proud of his wood work and prowess in battle. Also, a fighting machine. When combat starts Carson turns into a cannon ball that few could stop. He is generally kind and polite but if someone rubs him the wrong way his temper can flare badly. [b]History[/b]: Carson is the son of Marcus Oillemare and Karla Olliemare. He has 2 younger brothers, Rod Olliemare and Gerald Olliemare. Carson was born into his pack and his parents have been apart of the Blue Ridge Pack for their entire lives. His grandparents were among the first to form the pack. [b]Extra[/b]?: While a carpenter, Carson is also the best warrior in the pack. Often leading charges and calling out orders (when the alpha allows him to of course). [/hider] I will update info about his spouse/children if/when someone wants to pair. [/center]