number 2. cause if you can't comprehend anyone, that meanns your head is fucked up, but if ppl can't comprehend you, that doesn't mean your head is messed up, it just means you have a speech or language problem. the ability to think is a value all by itself, and in number 1, you can't do that because you can't understand what they're saying or at the very least, you would not be able to understand what they say and it isn't able to influence your thinking and that's very very bad. you would basically live your life in a room with no input/communication with outside world, that's what number 1 is. number 2 means you can see everything but they can't see you 1. would rather know every particle's position including their quantum states from the beginning of time (and thus be able to predict everything) or would you rather have a superpower where you can at any moment decide on any number of decisions and rewind time so you can choose the decision that you like most after playing them out?