[centre][img]http://i.imgur.com/6PMuDKA.jpg[/img] [h3][b]In Tyra’s Name[/b][/h3] In the year 3490 of the New Era, a miner’s strike on the Imperial world of Klaus sparked off a conflict that would change the face of our galaxy. The people of Klaus rebelled against Imperial rule and dealt a crushing blow to the unprepared Imperial Navy, smashing once and for all the myth of Imperial invulnerability. The revolt spread like wildfire and within a matter of months, the rebels controlled a dozen systems in the Imperium’s industrial core. Enthused by neo-Marxist doctrine and under the leadership of the charismatic Chairperson of the People’s Committee for Peace and Freedom, the new-born nation called itself the People’s Army of Freedom and unleashed a mighty crusade upon the old Imperium. After decades of bloody war, the PAF is on the verge of total victory, holding hundreds of worlds in a state of totalitarian dystopia. The Imperium is decimated, its ruling elite exiled to the fringes of their former domain. The democratic Republican League stands aloof, unwilling and unable to stop the spread of radical communism. With the PAF gearing up for a new war on the democracies of the galaxy, dozens of planets in the independent Unaligned Systems have fallen to their fleets. On the free world of Tyra, a prosperous trade hub along the Imperial border, the privately financed Tyran Space Guard has accelerated its arms program. The first of a new generation of warship is ready to leave drydock, but her motley crew of alien drifters, corporate executives and mercenaries are unprepared for the doom that comes for their world. No matter the odds, no matter how hopeless the battle may be, they shall fight. In Tyra’s name.[/centre] [hr] Welcome to In Tyra’s Name, a space exploration and combat RP. The free world of Tyra finds itself under attack by the People’s Army of Freedom, a revolutionary movement dedicated to conquering the galaxy in the name of socialism. The crew of a newly built ship find themselves caught in the middle of the invasion and struggle to resist. With a skeleton crew, half loaded guns and barely enough fuel to escape the system, the crew must survive and fight back on their own terms. [hr] [centre][u]Rules[/u][/centre] 1. Treat all other players with respect in the OOC, even if your characters hate each other. Keep it civil please. 2. Romance and such is encouraged, but keep it PG-13. Fade to black if you really, [i]really[/i] want to. 3. That said, this RP will involve adult themes. Violence, swearing and some pretty dark stuff is to be expected. There won’t be any emo circle-jerking, but be prepared for some adult themes nevertheless. 4. GM’s word is law. I hate having to invoke this, so please don’t force me to. 5. Newly completed CSs are to be posted to the OOC for acceptance before being posted to the Char tab. 6. If you’re going to be away for a few days, just tell us in the OOC and we’ll work around it. If you decide to leave, again tell us. 7. I generally run my RPs at High-Casual (if that even exists), so I expect a certain standard of grammar and spelling. Nothing too over the top, just some common sense and a bit of spellchecking. As for post length, three paragraphs with five or six sentences each is ideal. I don’t mind a bit under that, but please don’t be that guy who speedposts one liners. 8. As for posting speed, slower is better in my experience. Three or four posts a week is perfect. Make sure that at least two other people get posts up between yours, to keep everyone on the same page. 9. Last but not least, enjoy yourselves. Contribute to the story, share your ideas, ask for help if you’re stuck. If you have an idea for a side story, PM me and we’ll work it out. [hr] [hider=Crewman CS] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] Picture or written description. Both is best. [b]Species:[/b] If you want to play a non-human character, please fill out the Alien Species form too. I will only be accepting three new species. The exception to this is the AI First Officer; I'll explain the details to whoever claims the spot. [b]Rank/Specialism:[/b] Available ranks can be found in the first post of the Char tab. [b]Skills:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Bio:[/b] Preferably at least two full paragraphs. [b]Other:[/b] Anything else you feel relevant. [/hider] [hider=Alien Species] [b]Species Name:[/b] [b]Home Planet:[/b] [b]Physiology: [/b]Again, both a picture and description are ideal. Preferably humanoid in appearance, i.e. two arms, two legs etc. [b]Culture:[/b] Just a brief explanation about general cultural norms and attitudes. [b]Innate Abilities:[/b] Don’t go crazy here please… No psychic aliens or giant rock people. [b]Other:[/b] [/hider]