In a pretty short time, Byakko got her meal fresh out of the counter. Problem was, this was the same meal over and over again from every other frequent day at the school, and she had to put up with this for one more year. If only they served anything other than katsudon, ramen, chicken roast, burgers, whatever food there was other than typical 'murican and weeaboo meals, if she could cook-- "[i]No.[/i]" Byakko can't cook. Well, she can, but she ain't have time for that shit. If her roommate can, good luck to them. Maybe now would be a good time to search for a table. She's already on a chair, obviously, so the best thing to do is to get to a vacant spot, position herself, plop the tray down and eat. Without the traditional manners of thanking whoever inexistent person she had to thank, so Byakko might get a few suspicious looks from her seatmates. [@whoever the fuck Byakko is interacting with, on a first come first serve basis from a table]