Jack merely shook his head as the girl seemed to melt down. She had no idea what being in prison was like. He laughed at her comment, once again about his age, before dodging the spittle hurtling his way. Only mimic voices? As far as he could tell the girl couldn't even do that. Chuckling he looked around, walking forward to the counter he set about getting some food. He had no intention of eating but doing so allowed him to form a pair of ghostly hands which collected up 2 cartons of milk from the pile. Smiling at the ladies serving the food he thanked them and proceeded to walk over to the bins and dump all the food away. Turning away he then walked back to his own cell. The walk was a short one and he made sure to take a look in all of the cells he had to pass. Jack had made a few friends in his dealings with political rivals, as such despite a poor past he was only a minimum sercurity prisoner. Finding his cell he stepped in. It was a double, clearly meant to be shared however he wasn't aware of any cell mates. Perhaps they hadn't quite filled up the prison yet. Looking out of the bars he saw that the Cat girl had a cell a little ways down with the girl from before. Sighing Jack returned to his cot and lay down, closed his eyes, and hummed the first song that came into his head. He pulled the two cartons of milk out and placed them both on the floor beside his bunk. He would have some fun later.