“Of course not, they’ll go plaid if they do,” Danica joked as she wandered into the dining hall, glancing around at her surroundings as she laced her hoodie back around her waist before taking a seat. They had shelter for now, a wall between them and whatever hordes lay out there, food, weapons and people. It seemed to fall into place but she wondered just how long it would last. These type of holdings never seemed to last long in the movies or the T.V. shows and the sad fact of the matter was that it wasn’t usually the zombies that were the biggest issue. It was the people themselves. Even in instances where a group truly bonded and looked out for each other, there were always others that came along to disturb that peace, thinking they could just snatch it away and it would be theirs. They were usually always wrong. Human nature, no matter the situation, always seemed to be the biggest issue and the rest was just decoration for the scenario. Looking around at the group, they seemed to be well rounded enough and thankfully were able to communicate with each other though things perhaps would get lost in translation over time. Sliding her elbow along the table, she rested her head in the palm of her hand and sat there; drumming the finger of her free hand on the cool surface as she thought. Glancing over towards Otis she nodded slightly to his earlier comment about Sean. “Yeah, probably would be best if he wasn’t on the outside. The man can climb right along-side me up a vertical rock face and not break a sweat; but seems he would just cause more issues out there than in here. I swear if I hear him scream again I am going to duct tape his mouth shut,” she groaned slightly. Sean had been her photographer for years and she depended on him to help her get the job done but the job was different now. She doubted she was going to be conquering any mountains anytime soon or need any photographs for a travel article. Seeing the sites of Toyko without being bitten might not be the exactly what the magazine was looking for anymore. Then again, who knows, might be able to trade ammo for a survival brochure soon. Rolling her head slightly on the palm of her hand she looked over towards Armend and smiled. “After this morning, hopefully not noodles,” she said with a slight laugh and then cringed inwardly as she thought back to Sean losing his breakfast after she killed the zombie on the way to the compound. She could gut a creature without flinching, dead people didn’t bother her; a person upchucking though was never a fun experience to her. “If we are going to be here long term, or even have the hope of being here long term, we might want to keep an eye out for seeds when we are on runs. You know, like a garden center or a home improvement place. Somewhere we can get seeds, repair things like cement, fencing, etc. Once the stores run out of items we will have to grow things ourselves. And we have no idea if this zombie disease is going to affect wildlife, so the meat supply might dwindle quickly as well. Hate to say it but we may have to go red neck at one point; you know grow food and herd our own animals to keep going,” she commented as her finger drew spirals over the table top. “That and a way to collect and purify water for drinking. We have no idea how long this will last, might as well plan for the long run. “ Meanwhile Sean had finally managed to make it to his feet, using his tripod as a makeshift cane and eventually hopping into the dinning hall. Seeing Danica he grumbled a bit before he hobbled over to a free spot away from the rest of the group and collapsed into a chair; pulling another chair over to him he was able to prop her injured foot into it and just tried to remain quiet. He felt like a complete fool the way he had screamed earlier and the incident with the gun was likely to make him look like the weakest link, which in his mind meant that he would be first to be offered up for zombie chum.