[center] [hider= Keiko Murata] [color=fff79a]Name:[/color] Keiko Murata [color=fff79a]Age:[/color] 16 [color=fff79a]Grade (1st/2nd/3rd year):[/color] 2nd year student, first year at the Academy. [color=fff79a]Disability: [/color] Keiko is mute, thanks to an accident that almost cost her her life. Now, the mouthy teen is being forced to adapt to a life of silence. She absolutely hates it. [color=fff79a]Appearance: [/color] [hider=Kei][img]http://safebooru.org//images/1345/5ba1ef4ce581b3c6c15b7340bece4357ab7f56e8.png?1398719[/img][/hider] Keiko has short black hair, normally wears a jacket and usually jeans or other long pants. She doesn't take her appearance to seriously. She stands a roughly 5'5", and has a scar on her throat from her injury. She doesn't like talking about it. [color=fff79a] Personality:[/color] Well, to put bluntly, Keiko would be described as incredibly energetic. At least, if she was going to be describing herself. Some other people by describe her as being a bit of a brat that can't follow simple instructions. Not to mention she, herself, does not like people that whole lot and has little patience for them. Especially people, who she believes, are stupid. (translation: Everyone but her) So she can come off as a sarcastic ass most of the time. That said, she's not unfriendly. Unless you give her a legitimate reason to really not like you, mostly any comments she makes can be taken with a grain of salt. She just likes being difficult, and has little consideration for others. Something she is probably definitely going to have to work on here. She likes playing the drums, and even though she wails randomly on them a lot of the time, she can actually play. While she doesn't hide the scar from the surgery, she does not like talking about it a whole lot, and will likely change the subject if she can. She will most likely find herself a drum set - or a makeshift drum set failing that, and take it to somewhere outside the school and play them very loudly. Its also well known in her previous school, she was most definitely not into guys. [color=fff79a]Background:[/color] Keiko was born and raised in Japan. Her father, a doctor - a surgeon, and her mom who was an accountant. She had a relatively comfortable life, normal growing up. She pretty much could get her hands on anything she wanted - though even at a young age she preferred doing things herself, without the help of other people. When she was 14, her best friend showed her drums, and she instantly fell in love with them. She spent most of her school life focusing on her drumming skills ever since then, much to both of her parents rather obvious dismay. They tried to push her to do more school work, but only ended up fighting about it more often than not. It was during one of these arguments, that her life would inevitably change forever. She was out with her parents, and after another discussion that turned into a pointless argument, it happened. A stupid, chance accident caused by some idiot kid who thought waving around a gun would be cool. She got off, lucky, really, neck injuries aren't something to laugh about. The bullet managed to miss any major arteries, and missed her spinal cord. Thankfully, her father was able to administer first aid, and keep her alive long enough for proper medical attention to be administered. She doesn't remember much of the incident, save for one recurring nightmare. The surgeons managed to remove the bullet and its fragments, and save her life, but the damage was done. The bullet had nicked some nerve in her neck - the Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve - whatever that was. Doctors attempted to remove the bullet and repair the nerve, but ultimately failed in doing so. Ultimately, she lost her voice completely. She, was completely dumbfounded by the fact, that she would never be able to speak again. At least, probably be never able to speak. The doctor mentioned there was a chance that the nerve could repair itself - but it was unlikely. A second surgery might also be able to help, since her life was no longer in danger, but her father ultimately denied letting her do that. So, after some time, she enrolled in Yamaku Academy, though she didn't want too. She really, really, doesn't want to be here. [color=fff79a]Other Info: [/color] - Doesn't like people talking about, or talking to people about the scar on her neck. - Is, in fact, into other girls. - Does not like spicy food. - loves playing drums. [/hider] [/center]