[center][h1][color=skyblue][b]Nigel Ballard[/b][/color][/h1][/center] Nigel stood up when he heard his name be called. He was a little surprised that he would get to fight so soon but that didn't disrupt his concentration nonetheless. What did were the threats Revan threw at them if they happened to lose the fight. He knew that Revan was one of the few people in the guild with zero sense of humor, so he knew that his threats were always serious. He looked at Samir as she walked next to him, [b]"Greetings Nigel,"[/b] she said to him [b]"ready for the battle at hand? Cause it's going to be quite a... bizarre fight."[/b] Samir Saron was a mysterious woman to Nigel. She was almost never seen in the guild hall and of the few times that she did happen to be there, she would never stay long enough to even consider that a visit. Even for Nigel, who was able to adapt to almost every situation, knowing so little about his teammate would hinder his ability to cooperate with them easily and efficiently. Nevertheless, he had no other choice, [color=skyblue][b]"Hello Samir,"[/b][/color] he replied with a smile that quickly faded as he looked down at his wrist where the mark of the chain binding him to Samir had appeared. [color=skyblue][b]"This fight won't only be bizarre. It will be tough too. I hope you're ready,"[/b][/color] he told her and turned to see their opponents. Well, that's one interesting duo, he thought as he watched the two interact as his nanites had already gotten to work. The woman seemed to not be too well and Nigel wondered if they could use that to their advantage. Nevertheless, he replied to her partner's greetings, [color=skyblue][b]"The pleasure is mine,"[/b][/color] he said with a nod of his head. He walked next to Samir and whispered in he ear, [color=skyblue][b][i]"I know this is a little sudden, but I'll put one of my nanites inside your brain. That way, we will be able to communicate without needing to shout to eachother. Don't worry, it will not hurt you in any way,"[/i][/b][/color] he told her.