Name: J-12, Jack Age: 4 Gender: Uses Male pronouns [url=]Appearance:[/url] Jack's hologram form is exactly like his hard case unit save for the fact that it is see through, orange, and about six inches tall. In reality he is just data and has no form but you could say is "true" form is a titanium box deep within the ship. Species: Artificial Intelligence Rank/Specialism: First Officer Skills: Jack is a military AI meaning he came jam packed with skills to assist him in his role as First Officer. Not only is he an adept pilot but he also fills the role of electrician, mechanic, and soldier when the need arises. However he really shines in cyber warfare. Flooding a ships system with viruses and malware, venting oxygen, data mining, and shutting down shields are his specialties. Personality: Jack is an oddity compared to his other siblings in the military. While he has the basic necessities of a military AI like punctuality and complete dedication to his job but somewhere down the line he began to feel more than them. He has a dry, sardonic humor and doesn't appreciate when people waste his time. Jack has also gotten into giving people nicknames, usually unflattering ones until he decides he likes you. Finally, Jack will take any excuse he can to be inside the H.C.U. As far as life goes, humans in particular, people tend to take for granted things like touch, taste, and all the senses in general. Bio: There isn't too much to tell in the life of Jack, at least not yet. In the grand scheme of things, Jack is just a newborn. To create a real AI takes time, around three years under normal conditions. In his creation Jack was drip fed mountains of data, molding him into something very similar to a military AI but somewhere fundamentally he was not and he has always known it. It made him isolated in a way as he couldn't be as serious as the other military AIs nor could he care as much as the more domestic AIs. The odd man out, so to speak. More than anything this isolation framed his personality, giving him a slight mean streak against humans and AI both. This mean streak persisted strongly until he was placed onto the ship, the only place that felt like he belonged. While brief his time has brought the better out of him, causing the mean spirited AI to soften up a bit as he found his home. Other: Jack has no ill feelings towards aliens and in fact views them on the same plane as long as they do their part.