Ethan wasn't sure how in the world he'd managed to keep up with the girl, but he'd finally caught her; the fact she had run into a dead-end alley was likely the only reason he was speaking to her now, as otherwise she'd be long gone. He'd probably have given up the chase if she wasn't in here honestly, he wasn't that bent out of shape over stale bread. Though it wasn't that far a run from where they had begun he was already winded, likely thanks to having just eaten a fair bit. Reeling over from a combination of shortness of breath and a cramp he smiled tiredly, struggling to get out some coherent speech in between breaths. Not only could he not get mad over losing a scrap of stale bread, but seeing the state the girl was in compelled him to feel sympathetic instead. Maybe she was a local girl, all alone and orphaned. Plus she had that pet with her too, and neither of them looked to be terribly well off. "Hm...? What was that...?" Ethan asked, standing upright as he gave the girl a kind smile. Whatever she'd mumbled he'd missed, though he figured it wasn't for his ears anyways and so didn't press the matter. Stepping a bit closer he held up his hands passively, keeping on his smile before he stopped just a few feet away, squatting down to come eye to eye with the girl and her cat. "So Wyth is his name huh? Yeah, I can feed Wyth too," he replied cheerfully, reaching out and offering a hand for the moorcat to sniff, "We'll need to find a different place to eat at, that inn was kind of crummy, but we can find you two something nice. And heck, maybe a new shirt or something while we're at it." He didn't have much in the way of cash, but he tended to accrue some here and there by helping out. Last town he was in he'd gotten a few copper pieces for stacking firewood for an older couple, and earlier today he'd gotten a few more for helping to carry some crates. It was hardly going to make him a fortune, but so long as he kept at it he'd have enough to get by. "I'm Ethan, by the way. I'm kind of a traveler, just passing through the town. And how about you? What's your name?" He was going to ask about her parents, but given the girl's state he figured that was a touchy subject; any child running around all dirty and in rags either had rather nasty folks or none at all, whichever the case may be it'd not be a nice discussion. After introductions were done with the white-haired Magi got back to his feet, adjusting his pack carefully before reaching into it and pulling out a handful of coppers, counting them silently. "20 copper, that should be plenty for a meal, don't you think? Just tell me what you two want and we'll find it." Hearing a drunk screaming was nothing new in the town, what with the multiple taverns and the inn keeping many of the residents routinely drunk. The guards would not have bothered coming out had it only been the drunkard's cries, but hearing others shouting for aid as well forced them to look into it. With many of their members either currently on patrol or duty only a trio was sent to look into the scene, supposedly caused by a Machina of all things. There wasn't very much in the way of that out here just yet, and one causing problems for people was unheard of. Still, if enough people were raising a stink then something must be up, it was best to go and see what it was. On their way towards the taverns, the trio was distracted by an unusual sight in the town square; a group of disgruntled looking men were currently facing off against a lone individual, and a tall one at that. Upon getting closer they recognized it to be a woman, and a Divined of all things. Seeing one of their kind out here was extremely curious and highly irregular, raising quite a few questions. "Ey, what're you lot up to here?" one of the guards shouted, frowning as he and his companions parted the crowd, stepping into the open center with his hands on his hips, "You causin' trouble? If you've got issue with this one then don't take it out in the middle of town you morons, there's people about here!" How odd that a Divined was here, and one that wasn't cloaked or trying to conceal themselves. Having never met one personally before the eldest guard of the group was curious, his pale green eyes holding Grun's features for a silent moment before he finally spoke. "You aren't from around here, are ye?" he asked in a raspy voice, scratching at his white beard as he looked her over from head to toe, "A Divined ain't something you see often miss, so some people might be a bit scared o' ya. Plus we know what your people can do, so I suggest you try keepin' a low profile while you're here. Ain't none of the guard gonna turn you over, but just be careful." Looking over then to the tall man of the group, presumably its leader, the guard frowned and approached them, looking square in the man's eyes as he rested a hand on the hilt of his blade. "She do something to you boys? If not clear out, yer causing a scene and people have got places to be, things to do. Can't be having some dunderheads picking on foreigners in the middle of the town."