Alright then, here's my CS; [center] [h3]Edmund Cage[/h3] [img][/img] [i]"I won't just watch as people suffer in front of me...not while I can do something about it!"[/i] Edmund is a boy of British descent. He posses an average build, and head of dark red hair. He has a very smooth sounding voice with a very clear welsh accent. With a gentle smile and an overall pleasant attitude and an agreeable personality he is a very easily approachable, non-threatening boy. Whenever possible, Edmund tries to disarm hostile situations with non-violent methods, usually talking things out. However, should negotiations fail, then he's not afraid to get his hands dirty. Because of his powers, ha e can afford to be more brutal in his fights then others, which is something people tend to take the wrong way. While he is fine going for crippling blows, he avoids attacking in ways that cause more pain than damage _________________________________________________________________ [/center] [b]Codename:[/b] Unicorn [b]House:[/b] The Horses. [b]Grade:[/b] 10th [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Sexuality:[/b] Heterosexual [b]Birthday:[/b] July 23 [b]Blood Type:[/b] O- [b]Nationality:[/b] British ___________________ [b]Hobbies:[/b] [list] [*] Boxing [*] Marine Biology [*] Cooking [/list] [b]Personality:[/b] Edmund is a very compassionate, outgoing, and generous boy, he makes an effort to reach out to other and tries to see the good in everyone. However he can also be easily blinded by his compassion, to the point of it becoming naivete. Coupled with his difficulty reading people, and it makes it easy to take advantage of his generosity. That being said; if he has no choice but to fight, he will fight, even if it puts him at risk. While he doesn't enjoy causing others harm, he also doesn't hold back very much, even going for crippling strikes. However this isn't reflective of his personality, since he can undo any damage he causes, short of death. Because of this, he can get pretty violent in a fight, and it can make him appear more aggressive then he really is [b]History:[/b] Edmund was born to a single mother on the police force. While she was very busy with her job, and couldn't always be there for him, Edmund didn't hold it against her. He understood how important her job was, and the idea of being upset at her for spending so much time at work made him feel guilty. Because he was often home alone, Edmund had to learn how to feed himself from a young age. So he ended up developing his skills as a cook out of necessity, although he learned to enjoy cooking later. Due to the lack of a male roll modal in his life, his mother had him join a gym, in hopes that he would get more interaction with other guys. While there, he started taking boxing lessons. His grandparents live close to the sea, so every time he and his mother went out to visit them, he was always taken out for a ride on his grandfather's boat, as he told him stories of his days as a sailor. This fueled his fascination with the sea, and the wildlife that lives in it. Edmund discovered his powers when he was nine one day when a baby bird fell from it's nest in his back yard. Upon seeing it fall, he rushed over to check on it. To his horror, the once madly chirping baby was now visible struggling to make a sound. While it most likely wouldn't have been a problem if it had landed in the dirt or grass, this poor little baby had the misfortune of falling on concrete. Edmund gently scooped up the baby bird, taking extra care not to harm it. Desperate for a way to save it, but not sure just what to do, young Edmund broke out into tears at the sight of the life fading away from the little baby. Which is when a miracle happened' right before his eyes, the baby bird was rapidly healing. It suddenly sprang to life with new found energy chirping as loud as it ever had. Once he had snapped out of his shock, Edmund quickly climbed up the tree to return the little bird to it's home. With the young one returned, Edmund dropped down to the ground and started reflecting on what had just happened. He wasn't sure why, but he somehow had to power to heal people. As soon as she returned home, Edmund shared his discovery with her. He demonstrated his new powers by reattaching the hair from the family cat that he had cut off, in preparation for his demonstration. While she was initial surprised, Edmund's was very accepting of her son's new powers. She soon caught word of a place called Star Ocean Academy, a place for people like her boy, with strange powers. She broached the idea of attending to him, and Edmund was excited at the opportunity, although he was hesitant to leave his mother home alone. When he came of age, Edmund left for Star Ocean Academy, to learn how to better control his powers so that he could help others ___________________ [b]Current Classification:[/b] Orion [b]Special Ability:[/b] Restoration. Edmund's power can restore something that he's touched recently to a previous state via a sort of temporal rewind. Whether it's simply healing/repairing, or turning chemical changes and complex objects back into their raw parts. When putting something back together, it does this by having the separated pieces fly together violently. His powers don't take location into account; as in, when restoring something, it won't send the object(s) back to the location they were in when last in that state Examples include; Changing baked goods back into the materials that made them. Causing a melted ice cube to freeze back into an ice cube. Disassembling a computer into it's component parts. Taking apart a model robot. [b]Imperfection:[/b] He can not restore life to a living being, and he can not use his powers on himself, it can not affect a living thing's biological clock ___________________ [b]School Clubs:[/b] [list] [*] NA [*] NA [*] NA [/list] [b]Character Relations:[/b] [list] [*] NA [*] NA [*] NA [/list] [b]Theme Song:[/b] [url=]Bloody Stream[/url]