[hider=Character Sheet] [center][img]http://www.tencentticker.com/projectrooftop/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Henry-Elliott.jpg[/img] [/center] [color=39b54a][B]| [I]NAME:[/I] |[/B][/color] [INDENT]Marcus Lev Zelenyy[/INDENT] [color=39b54a][B]| [I]ALIAS:[/I] |[/B][/color] [INDENT]Green Lantern of Sector 2814.2 Atlas[/INDENT] [color=39b54a][B]| [I]ABILITIES/SKILLS/EQUIPMENT:[/I] |[/B][/color] [INDENT] [b]Green Lantern Ring:[/b] The power rings wielded by members of the Lantern Corps have been referred to as the most powerful weapons in the universe. The power ring's most distinctive effect is the generation of green, solid-light constructs, the precise physical nature of which has never been specified. The size, complexity, and strength of these constructs is limited only by the ring-bearer's willpower; whatever the wearer imagines, the ring will create. Marcus possesses great willpower and imagination, making him perfect for wielding a power ring. He's no Hal Jordan, But Marcus has great potential as a Lantern once he learns how to wield this weapon properly. The Green Lantern Ring has a number of uses and abilities. [b]Force Field:[/b] When active, a power ring will encase its user in a protective, life-supporting force field. This force field allows the user to fly, travel through inhospitable environments, and enter hyperspace in order to move vast distances quickly. This field automatically forms over Marcus when he equips the ring and is always active. This force field is invisible and eliminates waste, provides a breathable atmosphere for the wielder in any environment(underwater, space, etc.) and protects the wielder from all forms of harm(radiation, bullets, etc.). [b]Artificial Intelligence:[/b] Every ring has a connection to the Main Battery on Oa, which taps into an artificial intelligence. It acts as an "on-board computer," telling the wearer what they need to know. It can either respond out loud, or silently directly to the wearer's mind. The AI contains a large database of information that may be crucial to a Lantern's success. The ring also translates nearly every language to and from the wearer (though they have difficulty translating profanity), which is why the Corps can communicate with each other. When the bearer of a Green Lantern ring dies, the ring will seek out a suitable replacement for their sector. The AI can be used to play a holographic playback sequence complete with colors across the spectrum based on information in memory banks. The ring can dictate when to pause or stop the playback should an interruption arise where the Lanterns undivided attention is needed. The AI can also alert the wielder of incoming threats or of attempts to manipulate the wielders construct by an outside party. [b]Utility:[/b] Power rings are able to give off electromagnetic radiation of various frequencies. This radiation can be focused by the wearer into a beam, similar in appearance and effect to a powerful laser. The ring is also capable of producing an electrical current. Less frequently used capabilities include splitting atomic nuclei and manipulating subatomic particles (thereby transmuting chemical elements). A power ring is also capable of creating fully functional duplicates of itself. The ring protects users from all forms of telepathy, making Marcus immune to even the most powerful physic assailants. While power rings have to be worn to be effective, at several points Green Lanterns have shown the ability to summon the ring to them from a distance (even if someone else is wearing it) or order it to carry out commands automatically after being removed. Jon Stewart has only recently begun to teach Marcus how to use his ring in fashions described above. [b]Light Constructs:[/b] The signature ability of a member of any Lantern Corps. A lantern can create anything he or she imagines, assuming they have enough willpower to do it. The objects created by a green lantern are not indestructible, and the strength of the constructs depends on the focus and willpower put forth by the wielder. If the wearer's willpower is weak, then their constructs will be weak as well. Depending on the amount of focus and willpower from the wearer, the ring can be the wearer's greatest asset or greatest detriment. This applies doubly to Marcus, who possesses great willpower, but absolutely abysmal focus. [b]Military Training:[/b] Marcus has undergone intense military-like training before being recruited into the Green Lantern Corps. He is a skilled hand-to-hand combatant and marksman, and has an incredible tolerance to pain. On more than one occasion Marcus has either matched or beaten Jon Stewart in unarmed combat. Where Marcus received his training is a closely guarded secret. [/INDENT] [color=39b54a][B]| [I]LIMITATIONS AND WEAKNESSES:[/I] |[/B][/color] [INDENT] Marcus' constructs have shown the ability to hold up the weight of collapsing skyscrapers. His constructs have tanked hits from the likes of Black Adam and Doomsday, and Atlas has been able to harm Justice League level opponents such as Cheeta or Bizarro. A Green Lantern is only as strong as their willpower. If Marcus becomes afraid, or loses focus, he becomes easier to defeat. Atlas, while a Green Lantern, still has much to learn. His lack of understanding of his ring's capabilities and shortcomings are quite obvious and can lead to Marcus losing a fight simply because he forgot one of the ring's many abilities. Marcus lacks focus. He is easily distracted, leading to his constructs being weak and fragile during hectic confrontations where his attention is split. If the enemy can get Marcus talking, he's practically already lost the fight. Even Marcus' auto-shields, which require barely any focus, can be easily pierced if he doesn't expect a fight. Marcus has a distasteful personality. He's over-confident, arrogant, stubborn, brash and a bit stupid. He butts heads with his teammates and thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread. Atlas isn't the only one with weaknesses. The ring has a number as well. Rookie Green Lanterns who have yet to learn how to overcome fear, such as Marcus, can't affect the color yellow. This means that Marcus is very vulnerable to Sinestro Corps officers and is unable to defend himself from them. This weakness is so crippling that Marcus would be at an extreme disadvantage fighting someone wearing a yellow shirt, or wielding a pocket knife painted yellow. The ring has a limited amount of energy before it has to be recharged. Marcus has to recite the Green Lantern oath while holding the ring within his own lantern to charge it. If Atlas were to ever lose the lantern, or be unable to access it for an extended period, Marcus risks running out of juice and returning to his completely vulnerable human-self. [/INDENT] [color=39b54a][b]| [i]SAMPLE POST:[/i] |[/b][/color] [INDENT]Ding! A bell announced the arrival of new customers to the sparsely populated coffee shop. McHoy's Coffee was one of the lesser known local hangouts, located in downtown Coast City. The young woman standing behind the shop's single cash register looked up as the door opened. "Hello, welcome to McHoy's. Make yourselves at ho- AHHHHHH!" The two men produced firearms as they stepped inside. One of them, garbed in a balaclava mask and a black hoodie stepped up to the register and began threatening the worker. "Stuff this bag full'a cash. Make it quick, sweet cheeks!" The other man, this one wearing a trench coat and domino mask, passed a bag around the room. "All your valuables go in 'ta bag and I don't fill 'ya with holes." The thug warned as he blocked the exit. You could feel the fear in the air. Like a thick fog hung over the coffee joint as the two armed miscreants started collecting the money. [color=39b54a][i]Who holds up a coffee shop? [/i][/color] Marcus wondered as he casually took a sip of his latte. Mmm. Peppermint. A frightened old man handed the duffle bag full of money to Marcus, who looked at it for a moment before taking the bag and setting it down next to him. The thug by the door looked at Marcus like he was out of his mind, staring at the Russian for a good minute before making his move. "Hey, moron!" The trenchcoat-man yelled as he stomped over to the teenager. "Fill up the bag or I fill you up with lead, got it?!" [color=39b54a][i]Wait. Not yet. Let him get close before you pull anything, Marcus.[/i][/color] The scumbag shoved his pistol onto the side of Marcus' head. "You have to the count of five to gimme your wallet or else." Marcus looked at him, before taking another sip of his latte. The guy flinched, afraid that Marcus might have something up his sleeve. "Five." He said, pushing the metal barrel into Marcus' temple to emphasize his point. "Four." People across the room froze as they watched the exchange. Was that kid nuts? What did he think he was doing?! "Three..." Marcus took yet another sip of his coffee. "Two." The girl behind the counter finished loading a bag with cash, handing it to the guy's partner. "Hey, dude! Just shoot the kid and get movin' before the cops show." The hoodied criminal complained. The idiot turned around to look at his partner. "How 'bout you just worry 'bout yourself Steve? I ain't offin' a kid 'less I have 'ta." Marcus moved like a blur. One second, the pistol was in the thug's hand. The next, Marcus had it and the thug's wrist was broken. "Holy Mary!" Steve shouted as he started shooting at Marcus. Atlas, smiling the whole time, shoved the wounded thug to the ground as he ducked under the bullets. He pulled up his left hand and revealed the green ring to 'Steve.' The thug groaned. "You have got to be kiddin' m-" A green fist the size of a bowling ball appeared out of the ring and smashed into Steve's face. The thug went flying over the counter, his nose shattered. Atlas blew on his ring. [color=39b54a]"Class dismissed."[/color] He taunted, before rounding up the two hooligans and placing them inside a construct cage. Outside the coffee shop, the two criminal's get away driver looked on in stunned silence as he watched the events unfold through the shop's windows. The driver whipped out a sub-machine gun after Steve went down, and opened fire. He turned the weapon in an arc, unloading on everyone inside the shop. "Steve! Happy!" He yelled through the now-broken window. Marcus ducked as the bullets started to fly. [color=39b54a]"Seriously? More guns?"[/color] Atlas asked (mostly himself) as he created another construct. A green shield covered the civilians, blocking the hail of gunfire with ease. [color=00a651]"No need to fear, citizens, Atlas is here!"[/color] Marcus wasn't paying any attention as he looked at a group of frightened people cowering in the corner. "Hey dunce!" The girl behind the counter yelled over the roaring sound of flying bullets. "Those other guy's are getting away!" [color=00a651]"Huh?"[/color] Marcus asked, confused. He turned around to see a few of the bars on his cage shattered and the two thugs gone. [color=39b54a]"Not a problem for a Green Lantern!"[/color] Atlas took flight as his costume replaced his street clothes. He turned around and winked at the worker. [color=00a651]"I'll be back for your number. Call the cops for me, by the way."[/color] Atlas took off out the front door as the shield once protecting it fell away. The two thugs jumped into the get-away car. "Drive, ya moron! Drive!" Happy yelled as Steve clenched his broken nose. The driver dropped his now-empty sub-machine gun onto the unoccupied passenger seat and slammed his foot into the gas peddle. [color=39b54a]"Oh no! They have a car! How will I evverrrr catch them."[/color] Atlas mocked as he floated above the sidewalk. Marcus disappeared in a flash of green light. "H-Hey! I think he's gone." Steve said as he looked out the back window. "You see him, Happy?" the driver asked to confirm Steve's suspicions. Happy rolled down his window and stuck his bald head out. "Don't see nothin'." Happy replied. All three of them sighed with relief. [color=39b54a]"Maybe he can turn invisible."[/color] "Don't be ridiculous, Steve." Happy snorted. "What? I didn't say. Gerald? Was that you?" Gerald took in a gulp of air. "Ah, man." He breathed. [color=39b54a]"Soooo."[/color] Marcus started as he put his hands around Steve and Happy's shoulders. [color=39b54a]"Should I stop the car, or are you going to?"[/color] Steve and Happy both started to scream. Gerald struggled to reload his gun with one hand. [color=39b54a]"Guess I will. I hope everyone is wearing their seatbelts!"[/color] A pair of oversized-green boots appeared over Atlas' feet as he slammed the constructs through the floor of the car. The shoes tore through the concrete as the car came slamming to a halt. The driver slammed his face into the airbag, knocked unconscious. Steve was saved by his seat belt, but Happy went flying out the window. Marcus smashed his way through the roof and tossed out a construct in an effort to catch the flying man. A baseball glove the size of a minivan appeared under Happy, who landed safely on the green light before being dumped onto the side of the road. The sound of sirens alerted Marcus to the eminent arrival of the police. People ran up to see the Green Lantern as he gathered up the gang and tied them up in hardlight. [color=39b54a]"All in a day's work."[/color] Atlas remarked with his hands on his hips. A woman approached with her phone held out and started asking questions. Probably some amateur reporter looking to score in the big team. Atlas tried to answer all of her questions as best he could before the police arrived and carried the criminals away. "Nice work, kid." Marcus turned around at the sound of a familiar voice. Jon Stewart floated down to land next to Atlas, looking at the surrounding civilians and the singular reporter. [color=39b54a]"Nothing I couldn't handle."[/color] He replied in his usual smug fashion. "Come on, we need to talk. Alone." The older green lantern said before taking to the skies. Marcus turned back to the reporter, smiling. [color=39b54a]"Names Atlas, by the way. Maybe we can finish this interview later..Over dinner?"[/color] The woman stammered as she started to pull out a card. "I'm L-" She began, before a giant green hand wrapped around Marcus' face and dragged him through the air and to Jon's side. [color=39b54a]"Ah, man. She was cute."[/color] Jon only rolled his eyes before addressing his protege. "I was talking to Batman the other day." He began. "He seems to think you'd make a good addition to the team." Marcus' eyes went wide. [color=39b54a]"Wait, really?! Do you think so?"[/color] Jon looked away and towards the horizon. "Exposure to other heroes would do you some good. You could learn a thing or two from them." Marcus hollered out in joy and did a barrel roll. "I'm going to join the Justice League!" He yelled out in excitement. "Oh man, I can't wait to get Superman's autograph!" There was a moment of silence as Jon tried to stifle a chuckle. [color=39b54a]"What?"[/color] Marcus frowned. "You're [b]not[/b] joining the Justice League." [color=39b54a]"But you said-"[/color] "I never finished. Batman wants you to join the Teen Titans." Marcus groaned for nearly a minute. [color=39b54a]"The Teen Titans? Are you kidding me?"[/color] Atlas sighed as his hands flopped to his side. "Kyle was on the Titans for awhile. It's not as bad as you think." Jon reassured with no shortage of amusement. "Well." Marcus thought out loud. [color=39b54a]"At least Ravager's kinda hot. She's the Titans leader now, right?"[/color] "Oh, no. You're not joining the Titans West. Batman needs you on the Titans East." Marcus didn't say anything for a moment. [color=39b54a]"There's a Titans East?"[/color][/INDENT] [color=39b54a][b]| [i]NOTES:[/i] |[/b][/color] [indent]-Marcus is Russian and can't speak English without the ring. -Is sixteen years old. -Has a public identity but no living relatives and very few intimate relationships. -Atlas is very, very rich.[/indent] [/hider]