The sense of foreboding Rhiannon had felt ever since she received her most recent orders had merely grown until now, standing before the building she had been told to report to, she wondered how out of hand things were getting. She was new to the Guardian thing but she was certainly no amateur in military matters and the very specific orders to report to this location for her continued safety had sent chills up her spine. What hope was there if those who were charged with combating the criminal underbelly were forced to run and hide for their own safety? Still, she had come. Of course she had. She had escaped too much, run too far just to be ruined by the organisation she had been empowered to fight. It did not sit well with her to hide but observance of the rules had been drilled into her, by experience and the military, and so she had packed up her few belongings and come. Most seemed to be getting ready to leave the building, the time of day a usual end of office hours. Few others seemed to be going in but she was early; she always tried to be early. It was better than being late, she always said. Inside she was quickly directed to a hall where rows of empty seats were ready for whatever was going to happen here. She took one in the front row but at the end so that she did not feel closed in by others around her. It wasn't long before others arrived and the events began proper, the middle-aged woman who had greeted her earlier speaking at length about their situation. [i]And so now it becomes clear.[/i] When the floor was opened to questions she stood up, indicating she wished to speak with a nod of her head. [color=f7976a][b]"Ma'am, you said 'specialists' but as far as I was aware we were the most 'special' forces around. How are our team leaders different to ourselves?"[/b][/color]