The energy disc hurtled past Kanitah and dissipated, but Fury had already relinquished his control over the attack, his charge was the next move. Kanitah was indeed fast, but with such scant distance between them jumping into the air and spinning was asking for death. Fury immediately caught on to Kanitah’s intention to carry out another of his super jumps, and reacted nearly as fast as he charged forward. He bounced off the ground with his right foot, energy easily propelling him through the air on a collision course with Kanitah, who although certainly strong couldn’t actually fly in a literal sense. Fury could hurtle himself through the air at speeds up to 150mph, and he used that now to catch up with the jumping man. Kanitah could have conceivably outpaced him with his incredibly strength, but he hadn’t tried to jump into the atmosphere, he was trying to spin round and remain within a realistic throwing range. Because of this, Fury was almost sure to barrel into him just as he completed his revolution, rendering the rock throw pointless as the Fireen slammed his right elbow up and into Kanitah’s head or body, depending on what was convenient considering the strange movements the other man was attempting.