[h3][center]Tavi[/center][/h3] By 4:30 Tavi was nearly finished with his daily rituals. He stood in the bathroom of the shabby apartment with his phone in his hands, and a myriad of hair-care tools hovering around his head. He hardly needed to focus on such minute tasks anymore, he'd been doing them for years and by then it was all more or less second nature. He scrolled through a few social media sites, checked his mail, and then set the phone away to finish up the last little touches to his hair. 4:45, ugh, he [i]abhorred[/i] waiting. It wasn't the boredom, he had plenty of books to keep him busy, and he rarely went anywhere without a bit of music to brighten the ride, but rather the idea of being held at arm's-length from...whatever it was. What was it, anyway? He hadn't been with the organization too terribly long, but to ship him out to this low-town hostel only to go to some vague meeting concerning his "safety"? It seemed a bit sudden, and the least they could have done was see that the living arrangements were decent. Oh well, at least the beds were soft and the shower had hot water. Everything done, he donned a pair of sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat, then made his way out into the streets. His luggage was set to arrive at the destination later on, but he'd made sure to dress well. With the vibrant complimentary colors and fashionable designs, Tavi looked as if he were heading to a runway, and he wouldn't have it any other way. Despite stopping for coffee along the way and walking at a slow pace, he still arrived about fifteen minutes early. Luckily enough the place was unlocked, and there was even a kindly old woman acting as greeter. He shook her hand and smiled back, then waited around as the rest of the ensemble shambled in and the group was briefed as a whole. Much to his surprise the old woman -a Ms. Nightshade as it turned out- was their Director. Interesting, polite as she seemed he couldn't help but wonder if she was really up to the task, managing a troop of power-users couldn't be easy. Nevertheless, when the speech was over he had no questions, but evidently others did. A brawny-looking redhead asked about their leaders, and Tavi rolled his eyes out of habit. Great, if everyone was this curious it would be hours before he got to set up shop in his room.