[b]NAME[/b]: Mirtagn [b]ALIAS[/b]: The Glaring Serpent [b]GENDER[/b]: Male [b]RACE[/b]: Crystal Dragon [b]APPEARANCE[/b]: twenty five feet tall, eight feet wide, shimmering crystal like scales, bluish to water clear in color. [b]HISTORY[/b]: Mirtagn is an ancient dragon who rose to become a heroic creature even among his own kind. He is a medium level hero, but with Crystal dragons having the absolute power that any dragon brood can possess, it makes sense that Mirtagn is a truly fearsome rival even at level 12. His power is important to his history because he is revered among dragon kind, even the dragons who do not espouse to a high morality and ethical values like he practices respect him very highly, evil and creepy monsters included. [b]PERSONALITY[/b]: Mirtagn is a great creature capable of wiping out towns and villages, far better even than other dragons. Because of this important fact, it's hard to imagine him as anything other than vainglorious and pompous. He isn't. He spends far too much time studying the Magic and Wii of other races, and keeping himself in the knowledge of inventions and other kinds of knowledge to be puffed up and nearly insane like some egotistic dragons are. He loves reptiles the dinosaurs of Orabakh, finding the noble Tyrannosaurus, Crocodiles and King Cobras to be truly majestic, noble and powerful creatures. [b]ALIGNMENT[/b]: Neutral Good