[quote=@EliteCommander] I don't know everything about the story, or what you intended to do with it. If you could tell me what you planned for this mission and the RP in general, [@Sep] I might be able to do something. Also, if the issue is that you do not have the time to [i]GM[/i] RPs, there is the possibility that I could just GM this thing while you become a regular player. [/quote] The RP in general was just meant to be quite a bit of fun for us all, derping around the Star Wars Galaxy doing awesome things. This particular mission we were going to [i]persuade[/i] an Imperial Officer to come with us to deliver to our boss. Also I don't think I can, I can see myself limiting myself down to one RP and no offense to y'all but I don't think I can make it this. [quote=@SgtEasy] Ahhh. I understand. I wish you luck in your writing, hopefully I get to read a book of yours one day. Just sneak in your username on the back of the book, just for us :). Thank you for at least trying to hold this RP together. Hopefully Elite decides to continue this or revive it. As I said, I wish you luck for your coming life. [/quote] Not currently writing books I'm writing scripts for Phoenix Interactive a Modding/Game dev group.