[center][u][b][color=0072bc]TRUNK'S POV[/color][/b][/u][/center] [center]Trunks put the last dragon ball into the hole- the seven star ball. A dissonant whine loudly came from the podium, warning of something to come in the next few moments. The once-blue sky quickly and violently transitioned into a silver color with streaks of golden lightning illuminating the area. A large, green flying serpent with the horns of a stag and long whiskers rushed from behind the clouds. Trunks and most other beings knew this creature as Shenron. He had the power to grant any wish, as long as it within his power. Shenron zoomed around for a few brief, yet awesome seconds and eventually stationed himself in front of Trunks. Trunks stared with his mouth open, in awe of what was in front of him. “[color=8dc73f]Why have you summoned me?[/color]” Shenron boomed. “[color=8dc73f]Tell me your wish now.[/color]” Shaky voiced, Trunks said, “[color=0072bc]I need something- anything. Anything to defend history from the two mystery warriors who have endangered the timeline.[/color]” “[color=8dc73f]It shall be done[/color],” said Shenron. “[color=0072bc]Thank you![/color]” Trunks yelled with excitement. “[color=0072bc]Thank you so much![/color]” “[color=8dc73f]I must go now. Farewell.[/color]” Shenron zoomed back into the far reaches of the sky, with the dark clouds disappearing after him. The dragon balls rose from their podium, and in the blink of an eye, they were scattered once again. Once the last of the clouds cleared and sounds of thunder dissipated, a large burst of energy occurred about twenty feet to the left of Trunks. The smoke cleared and eight different warriors stood before him. Trunk knew not of their backgrounds, but he knew today that they would help him. He approached the group and most of them expressed confusement with their body language and the looks on their faces. “[color=0072bc]Hello,[/color]” greeted Trunks. “[color=0072bc]My name is Trunks. I’d like you all to follow me. I’ll explain everything soon enough.[/color]”[/center]