Satchi's motorbike bounded and sped over sand dunes as she made her way to a little known city entrenched in sand, far away from any of the bigger and more well known cities like East or West City. Her jacket, tied around her waist, flapped in the wind as she made her way onto the city. Her knuckles clenched as she held onto the handlebars tightly. Her right arm had a small amount of sand on it around the elbow, matching her knees. She had fallen off her bike a few miles back and was happy to discover that no one had seen the fall. One of the many downsides to wearing a sleeveless top and shorts was that you were much more exposed to the elements, and sand was no exception. Satchi hated the stuff, it was, and still is, the most annoying of all rocks. She stood up on the foot pegs, gripping the handlebars so she didn't fall off. The city was in sight now and she revved her bikes engine in order to move faster. It was at this point, she got a sick feeling in her stomach, like something wasn't right with the universe. A blinding light flashed before her eyes and suddenly she was standing in front of some purple haired guy. Of course, the radical change from standing on a bike to standing on solid ground was quite the shock, and the sudden change made Satchi fall straight over, only stopping herself just before she fell face first by extending her arms out in front of her. A scowl grew on her face, she had lost her motorbike [b]and[/b] she was in some unknown location. She rose to her feet, dusting off her knees and elbows before crossing her arms and speaking. [color=#FE2EF7]"Hold on, lavender boy"[/color] She spoke, obviously referencing Trunks' rather unorthodox hair colour. [color=#FE2EF7]"Three questions; Where's my bike, where am [i]I[/i] and why in hell should I blindly follow you?"[/color] It was quite easy to spot how peeved Satchi was about the loss of her bike. Not only was it an expensive vehicle itself, but it also had the rest of her money and supplies on it too.