[@Nerevarine] [b]Rffh, Hef,& Yurph[/b] Rffh couldn't believe what was happening, this was not how it was supposed to play out. Soon they were herded into a strange building and handed what looked to be a small stick and floppy material. Rffh could barely contain his anger, they were going to be executed with these tools and the rest of the Herenthor wouldn't know a thing! He was about ready to lash out when Hef, who was always curious, figured out that these things were used for writing and let out a delighted exclamation. The worried leader let out a long sigh, they would be fine, for no. He then bent over to see Hef drawing his pictures on the material, this being much easier than scrawling in the dirt. This caused a commotion with the creatures with weapons, and it seemed as though the three were doing what was expected of them. Although Rffh was relieved, he did not let his guard down, but for now he felt everything was going to be fine. [b]The Rest of The Party[/b] Everyone was in a panic. What were they to do if the three ambassadors were taken, they had not discussed this. The three Herenthor armed with tough and sharp stones tied to their claws, were bloodthirsty and ready for a fight. Though everyone else was wary due to the fact that there was only 16 of them and a whole lot of the other species. Then the warriors explained how they were sure as there was sand in the desert that their leaders where to be executed. This caused a couple Herenthor to join their side, and soon a loud, full fledged argument broke out. Both sides passionately arguing their cause, one claiming the name Honor, the other Saftey. Everyone was so caught up in the debate that they forgot to stay inconspicuous, and if the Arsuron were unhappy with the three showing up at their ceremony, they would probably be furious now with the mass of angry and very nasally sounding Herenthor.