Dimitri had nursed the bottle of peach schnapps down to about half way during the time he was laying there recuperating. The veteran only felt slightly fuzzy from the effects of the fruity alcohol but it would have to do for now. As he laid there others spoke of their homelands and other bits and pieces but it was all foreign to him. He began to long for his homelands once more. the familiar faces of his companions. The curvy sorceress, that brute of a warrior and even the hunter and his thick exotic accent. He missed being in the heat of battle and the long journeys full of nights so dark, the glow of a fire spread far and wide. But most of all, he missed his flask and his mace. The absence of these items made him feel incomplete and he longed to feel the familiar tug of his soul essence as it resonated from the catalysts. He patted at the flask's usual spot on his waste with a sigh. Even the air on Temperance seemed more refreshing than this frigid wasteland. As expected, Dzel's head drooped after a few moments but still the woman would not succumb to sleep eve after all her wounds and his healing. The monk admired her even more for the way she handled the side effects of his potent healing. she would definitely prove useful should they be forced into battle and as a feeling of dread flooded into him he was all the more glad that he had spent the time tending to her. The moment the ground shook William shot to his feet rambling off a number of comprehensible things and bolted towards some tunnels that Dimitri had only just noticed. But he had been preoccupied since the group had found their way inside so it was perfectly acceptable for him not to be fully aware of his surroundings wasn't it? A few moments later a blood curdling roar erupted from the sky far above and Dimitri watched as Dzel stirred at the sound of the roar. It was a casual stir, no where near the same reaction that William had just displayed. In fact, if the warrior was at all startled by the sound, she made a good show of not revealing it. "That can't be a good sign now can it" he spoke ominously as he dragged himself to his feet. It took a few minutes for the monk to get the better of the weariness that was threatening to turn his legs to lead. He had exhausted a massive amount of energy to get Dzel back up to the capacity she would need to be worth a damn in a fight, but the rest was up to her to deal with for now. He glanced around the room at the others, gauging the integrity of the walls at the same time wondering if they would withstand another tremor such as the one they had just felt. The monk pointed at Williams's back then continued "Who wants to follow William? and who has another idea?" his eyes rested on Dzel again as he met her eyes. "I'm definitely up for suggestions!"